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发布时间:2018-06-16 22:37

  本文选题:民事诉讼 + 行为保全 ; 参考:《中国政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:行为保全作为和财产保全并列的两种保全制度,其最终目的均是为了实现权利人的主张,但是基于其对象的特殊性,行为保全是要求被申请人作出或者禁止被申请人作出某种行为,并不存在对将来判决的保障性,诉讼前或者诉讼过程中做出只是为了防止损失的进一步扩大或者造成不可避免的损失而己。先予执行在我国正式确立行为保全制度之前在一定程度上弥补了行为保全制度缺失的不足,但鉴于我国已经正式确立了行为保全制度,需要重新厘清二者之间的案件适用范围。 行为保全制度的设置是诉权保障的需要,它能够在民事主体的权利受到急迫性的侵害而依靠较长时间的法院审判难以获得及时有效地保障时,达到迅速及时的保障当事人合法权益的目的。行为保全制度完善的程序设计,应遵循行为保全中双方当事人享有平等的权利保障的原则,并且法官在裁定是否采取行为保全措施时,除了审查当事人的申请是否符合形式上的申请条件外,还需要结合案件具体情况,考量各种因素,做好行为保全中的利益衡量。 在对国外比较法的考察中得到诸多先进程序设计,英美法系的中间禁令制度、大陆法系中德国、日本和我国台湾地区的假处分制度、越南的临时强制措施、泰国的临时性保护措施,这些相关制度对我国行为保全制度完善的启示非常重要。在对北大法宝司法案例库和中国法院网的行为保全案例进行分析的基础上,并结合我国现行法律规定,总结出现行行为保全制度适用过程中的诸多问题,如司法实践中行为保全制度实际应用过少、案件审查内容过于宽泛、不通知被申请人到庭答辩也不组织小型辩论、担保确定不当、缺乏行为保全裁定错误后的救济等。 立法和司法实践都要求在民事诉讼中建构系统完善的行为保全制度。在现有的制度框架下完善行为保全制度,首先应明确行为保全制度的适用范围,并厘清与先予执行之间的关系,将原来规定适用先予执行的需要立即停止侵害、排除妨碍、需要立即制止某项行为的这些本应适用行为保全的情形从先予执行制度的适用范围中删除,由行为保全制度来调整。其次,要注重平衡双方当事人的利益。在保全程序中优先考虑迅捷性的同时应当注重程序的正当性,要尽量给以被申请人正当程序的保障。改变现在事前不送达、不答辩、不辩论,裁定作出后出现错误无法获得赔偿救济的做法。我国也应采取小型口头辩论的方式,听取被申请人的意见,双方可围绕案件事实、行为保全的必要性以及担保的具体金额等事项围绕展开辩论。其他程序的完善设计也都是为了行为保全这一制度在我国更好的运行。
[Abstract]:The ultimate purpose of the two preservation systems, which are equal to that of property preservation, is to realize the claim of the obligee, but based on the particularity of the object, Act preservation is to require the respondent to do or prohibit the respondent to do a certain act, there is no guarantee of the future judgment, Actions made before or during proceedings are made only to prevent further expansion of losses or to cause unavoidable losses. Prior execution made up for the deficiency of the act preservation system to some extent before the formal establishment of the act preservation system in our country, but in view of the fact that our country has formally established the act preservation system, it is necessary to clarify the scope of application of the two cases again. The establishment of the act preservation system is the need for the protection of the right of action. It can protect the rights of the civil subject in a timely and effective manner when the rights of the civil subject are infringed urgently and rely on the court trial for a long time to obtain timely and effective protection. To achieve the purpose of protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the parties promptly and promptly. The perfect procedure design of the act preservation system should follow the principle that both parties enjoy equal protection of rights in the act preservation, and when the judge decides whether to take the act preservation measure, In addition to examining whether the party's application meets the formal application conditions, it is also necessary to consider various factors and make a good balance of interests in the preservation of the act according to the specific circumstances of the case. In the investigation of foreign comparative law, many advanced program designs have been obtained, such as the interdict system of Anglo-American legal system, the system of false disposition in Germany, Japan and Taiwan in continental law system, and the temporary coercive measures in Vietnam. Thailand's temporary measures of protection, these related systems are very important for the perfection of China's behavior preservation system. On the basis of the analysis of the cases of Beida Fa Bao judicial case base and the Chinese court net, and combined with the current laws and regulations of our country, this paper sums up many problems in the process of the application of the current act preservation system. Such as too little practical application of the bank preservation system in judicial practice, too broad content of case review, no notice to the respondent to answer or organize a small debate, improper security determination, lack of relief after the act preservation ruling error, and so on. Both legislation and judicial practice require the establishment of a systematic and perfect system of preservation of conduct in civil proceedings. To perfect the act preservation system under the existing system framework, first of all, the scope of application of the act preservation system should be clearly defined, and the relationship between the act preservation system and the prior execution should be clarified, and the need for the original provision to apply the prior execution should be stopped immediately, and the obstruction should be removed. The circumstances in which the preservation of an act should be applied are removed from the scope of application of the prior enforcement regime and adjusted by the system of preservation of conduct. Secondly, attention should be paid to balancing the interests of both parties. In the preservation procedure, priority should be given to the promptness while the legitimacy of the procedure should be emphasized, and the due process of the respondent should be guaranteed as much as possible. Change the present practice of not serving in advance, not defending, not debating, making an error after ruling that no compensation can be obtained. China should also take the form of small oral arguments to listen to the views of the respondent. Both sides may debate the facts of the case, the necessity of preservation of the act and the specific amount of security. The perfect design of other procedures is also for the better operation of this system in our country.


相关期刊论文 前3条

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3 江伟,,肖建国;民事诉讼中的行为保全初探[J];政法论坛;1994年03期




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