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发布时间:2018-06-18 04:18

  本文选题:精神病人 + 强制医疗 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,精神病患病率逐年提高,精神病人犯罪也越来越多地受到了人们的关注。在2012年《刑事诉讼法》修改以前,强制医疗一直处于公安机关一家主管的状态,强制医疗的具体运行也被视为一种完全行政化的模式,立法上缺乏法律依据,司法实践中也难有公正、透明的保证。不仅如此,在这样的运行模式中,精神正常的人“被精神病”的现象也时有发生。2012年《刑事诉讼法》修改时,将刑事强制医疗程序作为一项独立的诉讼程序规定在刑事特别程序之中,这是我国立法首次明确将强制医疗纳入立法,使强制医疗正式成为一项司法程序,这一修改对该程序具有里程碑式的意义。 新法实施已一年有余,各地也出现了不少刑事强制医疗案件,在实际办案的过程中,这一程序也出现了不少问题。这些问题或是立法中已留下隐忧,或是立法本意与实际办案情况不符。笔者通过对法律条文进行分析,同时阅读相关书籍,并到上海法检系统进行调研,深入了解强制医疗程序在司法实践的具体适用中所存在的程序性问题。这些问题概括地讲主要包括以下几个方面:第一,强制医疗程序适用标准不细化,无论是法律还是司法解释都未对该程序的适用标准作出较为细化的规定,实践中检察机关在申请强制医疗过程中难以把握;第二,强制医疗程序规定不明确,如法律援助片面化、检察机关决定期限过于僵化、对评估解除程序都没有可操作性的规定等,实践中尚处于逐步摸索的过程;第三,强制医疗程序规定不合理,主要表现为启动主体具有局限性、救济途径规定矛盾;第四,强制医疗监督程序存在盲区,监督手段无力度,致使监督有虚设之嫌。 在明晰上述问题之后,笔者针对问题提出了一些完善刑事强制医疗程序的对策,主要包括明确控辩平衡的启动程序、建立公正高效的审判程序、构建具体的评估解除程序以及构建合理有效的救济和监督程序四个方面,以期对今后我国刑事强制医疗程序的完善略尽绵力。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the prevalence rate of mental illness has increased year by year, and the crime of mental patients has been paid more and more attention. Prior to the revision of the Criminal procedure Law in 2012, compulsory medical treatment had been in the charge of a public security organ, and the specific operation of compulsory medical treatment was also regarded as a completely administrative model, and the legislation lacked a legal basis. It is also difficult to guarantee justice and transparency in judicial practice. Moreover, in such a mode of operation, the phenomenon of "being mentally ill" occurs from time to time. When the Criminal procedure Law was amended in 2012, It is the first time in our country's legislation that compulsory medical treatment is explicitly included in the criminal special procedure as an independent procedure, which makes compulsory medical treatment a formal judicial procedure. This change is a milestone for the program. More than a year has passed since the implementation of the new law, and many criminal compulsory medical cases have appeared in various places, and many problems have arisen in the process of handling cases in practice. These problems have left behind in the legislation, or the legislative intent is inconsistent with the actual handling of cases. By analyzing the legal provisions, reading the relevant books, and investigating the legal system in Shanghai, I deeply understand the procedural problems existing in the specific application of compulsory medical procedures in judicial practice. These problems mainly include the following aspects: first, the standard of compulsory medical procedure is not refined, and neither the law nor the judicial interpretation has made more detailed provisions on the applicable standard of the procedure. In practice, it is difficult for procuratorial organs to grasp in the process of applying for compulsory medical treatment; second, the provisions of compulsory medical procedures are not clear, such as one-sided legal aid, and the procuratorial organs' decision period is too rigid. There are no operational provisions on the evaluation procedures, in practice is still in the process of gradual exploration; third, the mandatory medical procedures are unreasonable, mainly for the starting of the main body has limitations, relief provisions contradictions; fourth, There are blind areas in the compulsory medical supervision procedure, and the supervision means are not strong, resulting in false supervision. After clarifying the above problems, the author puts forward some countermeasures to improve the criminal compulsory medical procedure, mainly including the establishment of a fair and efficient trial procedure. In order to perfect the criminal compulsory medical procedure in the future, four aspects, namely, the concrete evaluation procedure and the effective relief and supervision procedure, should be constructed.


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1 时延安;;中美精神病人强制医疗制度之比较[J];法学评论;2009年04期

2 李娜玲;;刑事强制医疗程序适用对象之研究[J];法学杂志;2012年10期

3 陈卫东;柴煜峰;;精神障碍患者强制医疗的性质界定及程序解构[J];安徽大学学报(哲学社会科学版);2013年01期




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