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发布时间:2018-06-18 15:18

  本文选题:刑事辨认 + 刑事侦查 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:刑事辨认是指法定的侦查机关或侦查人员为了侦破案件、查清犯罪事实,组织辨认人对犯罪嫌疑人、犯罪案发现场、与犯罪案件有关的事物以及被害人所进行回忆、再认、辨别的一种侦查行为。作为一种侦查行为,刑事辨认对于案件的侦破具有重要作用,几乎90%的刑事案件的侦查过程要采用刑事辨认。国外刑事辨认制度对于刑事辨认的审批程序,启动程序,辨认的组织者,辨认的对象范围,被辨认人的权利,辨认笔录的审查等作了较为完备的规定。我国刑事诉讼法第48条将辨认笔录规定为一种法定的证据,对于作为一种侦查行为的辨认却没有作出规定。虽然公安部《公安机关办理刑事案件程序规定》和最高人民检察院《人民检察院刑事诉讼规则》规定了刑事辨认程序,但是,这两个法律文件的效力层次偏低,而且,对于刑事辨认的规定有不一致之处,影响了刑事辨认功能的发挥。本文旨在阐释刑事辨认的一般理论,考察国外刑事辨认制度,剖析我国刑事辨认制度不足的基础上,提出完善我国刑事辨认制度立法建议。本文共四个部分: 第一部分,阐释了刑事辨认的概念,分析了刑事辨认的法律性质和刑事辨认的功能。 第二部分,考察了以英国、美国为代表的英美法系国家和德国、意大利为代表大陆法系国家的刑事辨认制度,在比较、分析的基础上,指出了两大法系国家的刑事辨认制度对于我国的借鉴意义。 第三部分,从刑事辨认立法,刑事辨认准备程序,刑事辨认组织者,刑事辨认对象范围,刑事辨认人的权利,被辨认人的权利救济,辨认笔录审查等方面剖析了我国刑事辨认制度存在的主要问题。 第四部分,与第三部分相对应,从六个方面提出完善我国刑事辨认制度的具体对策。
[Abstract]:Criminal identification refers to the legal investigation organs or investigators who, in order to find out the facts of the crime, organize the recognizers to recall and recognize the suspects, the scene of the crime, the things related to the crime cases, and the victims, The act of discerning. As a kind of investigation behavior, criminal identification plays an important role in the detection of cases. Almost 90% of the criminal cases have to use criminal identification in the investigation process. The foreign criminal identification system has made the relatively complete stipulation for the examination and approval procedure, the initiation procedure, the identification organizer, the object range, the rights of the recognized person, the examination of the identification record and so on. Article 48 of our country's criminal procedure law prescribes that the identification record is a kind of legal evidence, but there is no stipulation on the identification as a kind of investigation behavior. Although the Ministry of Public Security, "regulations on the procedure for handling Criminal cases by Public Security organs" and the Supreme people's Procuratorate, the rules of Criminal procedure of the people's Procuratorate, provide for criminal identification procedures, these two legal documents are on the low level of effectiveness, and, There is inconsistency in the regulation of criminal identification, which affects the function of criminal identification. The purpose of this paper is to explain the general theory of criminal identification, to investigate the foreign criminal identification system, to analyze the insufficiency of criminal identification system in our country, and to put forward some legislative suggestions on how to perfect the criminal identification system in our country. This paper consists of four parts: the first part explains the concept of criminal identification, analyzes the legal nature of criminal identification and the function of criminal identification. The second part examines the criminal identification system of the common law countries and Germany represented by the United Kingdom and the United States, and Italy as the representative countries of the continental law system, on the basis of comparison and analysis. The author points out the reference significance of the criminal identification system of the two legal system countries to our country. The third part, from the criminal identification legislation, the criminal identification preparation procedure, the criminal identification organizer, the criminal identification object scope, the criminal recognizer's right, the right relief of the identified person, This paper analyzes the main problems in the criminal identification system in China. The fourth part, corresponding to the third part, puts forward the concrete countermeasures to perfect our country's criminal identification system from six aspects.


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