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发布时间:2018-06-18 15:52

  本文选题:腐败犯罪 + 违法所得特别没收程序 ; 参考:《太原科技大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The criminal suspects and defendants fled and hid, and the special confiscation procedure for the illegal proceeds of death made up the loopholes that existed in our country's previous criminal procedure system, but the problems existing in the special confiscation procedure for illegal proceeds in the fight against corruption have gradually become apparent. The main application scope is unreasonable, the object of application is narrow, the subject of application is too single, the disposal mechanism of confiscated property is not clear, the rule of evidence is not perfect, and the protection and relief system to the right of the accused person is not complete. Therefore, we can sum up our own experience and lessons, learn from the experience of typical foreign countries, improve the special confiscation procedure step by step through legislation or judicial interpretation, and appropriately expand the scope of application of this procedure to cases of corruption crimes. The third chapter of the special provisions of the criminal law is the crime of embezzlement, bribery and dereliction of duty of non-state functionaries, and the intentional crime in the crime of dereliction of duty in chapter 9 shall be applied to this procedure. Making the investigation of corruption crimes on file, applying special confiscation procedures to the proceedings suspended because of the serious illness of the prosecuted person; increasing the main body of the procedure and strengthening the obligation of administrative organs and banks to report to the procuratorate, And endow interested parties with the right to apply for the initiation of the procedure, encourage the close relatives of the prosecuted person to apply for and assist in the development of this procedure by establishing an incentive mechanism, standardize the handling mechanism of the property involved, and establish a special fund for substantive property, Managed by specialized agencies, buying commercial insurance, dealing with non-substantive interests, perfecting legislation, and in judicial practice according to the provisions of the law, the specific problems are analyzed and handled flexibly, and the object of proof is perfected, To establish the system of burden of proof by procuratorates, supplemented by interested parties, and to establish different standards of proof according to different objects of proof, so as to be more conducive to the smooth development of litigation activities; Gradually endow the close relatives and interested parties with more litigant rights, and establish different relief measures according to the different time of prosecution after the completion of the trial.


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