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发布时间:2018-06-18 22:44

  本文选题:行政诉讼制度 + 行政诉讼管辖 ; 参考:《黑龙江大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Since the establishment of the administrative litigation system in our country, with the strengthening of the people's legal concept and the diversification of the administrative acts of the administrative organs, The administrative litigation system established for the purpose of solving the contradiction between administrative organs and administrative counterparts is constantly showing the situation that it does not adapt to the modern situation. The jurisdiction system of administrative litigation is especially prominent, and the jurisdiction of administrative litigation is dispersed. The administrative litigation jurisdiction court level is too low and the administrative trial is not fair and so on. The author thinks that the solution of this problem directly determines the result of the administrative litigation. This paper begins with the analysis of the existing administrative litigation jurisdiction system, analyzes the reasons, starting from the reality of the existing administrative litigation, combining with the mode of other countries' administrative litigation jurisdiction system, puts forward the feasible method to solve the problem. This paper systematically discusses the existing administrative litigation jurisdiction system in our country, points out the problems existing in the administrative litigation jurisdiction system, and points out the important significance of the reform of the administrative litigation jurisdiction system to the development of our country's administrative litigation. As well as the administrative litigation jurisdiction system feasibility change plan.


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