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发布时间:2018-06-21 02:05

  本文选题:虚假仲裁 + 当事人 ; 参考:《贵州民族大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:“虚假仲裁”是仲裁活动的当事人基于获取非法利益的目的、动机,以包括但不限于恶意串通的形式,虚构案件事实、法律关系,假构合法主体资格和伪造相关证据材料等不正当手段,通过提起仲裁并获取有利于自己的裁决,致他人或公共利益受损的违法行为。研究虚假仲裁是因为其已对我国造成了严重的社会危害,它削弱了仲裁的公信力、损害仲裁秩序、危害了公民的合法权益和社会的稳定,因此必须加以预防和规制。 本文采用案例分析、实证研究和正反对比等研究方法,着重探讨了虚假仲裁的若干问题和解决方法。首先分析了虚假仲裁的基本概念,以明确其本质特征;其次研究了虚假仲裁损害仲裁公信力、破坏法制秩序、危害社会稳定等一系列社会危害,以构建追究虚假仲裁当事人和仲裁员的法律责任的正当性基础;最后针对虚假仲裁的被害人救济问题进行探讨,以提出解决对策和建议。 本文的突出成果在于理清了虚假仲裁的主要问题和危害,并构想了一些具有可行性的对策;为规制虚假仲裁,保障被害人合法救济提供了依据。本文通过研究虚假仲裁若干问题,得出虚假仲裁必须进行规制和可以有效规制的结论,以可诉的法律规范体系来保障仲裁制度的合法运行。 全文包括引言、四章正文和结语三个部分。引言着重介绍了虚假仲裁的研究背景、现实状况、研究方法、研究思路和研究意义等内容。正文又分四章,第一章简介案例并引出了虚假仲裁的主要问题,第二、三章分析了虚假仲裁中当事人和仲裁员的法律责任问题,第四章探讨了被害人如何进行法律救济,结语部分则对全文进行了概括与总结。本文贯穿了一条提出疑问、分析疑难和解决问题的明线,隐藏了虚假仲裁的发生、危害和规制的暗线,思路较为明晰。文章通过分析案例和主要问题来认清虚假仲裁的本质,提出了解决问题的思路与方法,对遏止虚假仲裁行为和维护公民的合法权益具有重要意义。
[Abstract]:"false arbitration" is that the parties to arbitration activities, based on the purpose of obtaining illegal interests, motive, including but not limited to the form of malicious collusion, fictitious case facts, legal relations, False construction of legal subject qualification and forgery of relevant evidence materials and other improper means, through arbitration and obtain a ruling in favor of their own, to others or the public interest damage illegal behavior. The study of false arbitration is because it has caused serious social harm to our country. It weakens the credibility of arbitration, damages the arbitration order, endangers the legal rights and interests of citizens and the stability of society, so it must be prevented and regulated. In this paper, some problems and solutions of false arbitration are discussed by case analysis, empirical research and positive and negative comparison. This paper first analyzes the basic concept of false arbitration in order to clarify its essential characteristics, and then studies a series of social hazards, such as damaging the credibility of arbitration, damaging the legal order, endangering social stability, and so on. In order to construct the legitimate basis of investigating the legal liability of the parties and arbitrators of the false arbitration, the author discusses the relief of the victims of the false arbitration and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions. The outstanding achievement of this paper is to clear out the main problems and harm of false arbitration, and to conceive some feasible countermeasures, which can provide the basis for regulating false arbitration and protecting the victim's legal relief. By studying some problems of false arbitration, this paper draws the conclusion that false arbitration must be regulated and can be regulated effectively, and that the legal operation of arbitration system can be guaranteed by the system of actionable legal norms. The full text includes three parts: introduction, four chapters text and conclusion. The introduction focuses on the background, reality, research methods, research ideas and significance of false arbitration. The text is divided into four chapters. The first chapter introduces the cases and leads to the main problems of false arbitration. The second and third chapters analyze the legal liability of the parties and arbitrators in the false arbitration. The fourth chapter discusses how to carry out the legal relief for the victims. The conclusion part summarizes and summarizes the full text. This article runs through a clear line of questions, analysis of problems and solutions, hidden the occurrence of false arbitration, harm and regulation of the dark line, the idea is relatively clear. By analyzing the cases and main problems, this paper makes a clear understanding of the essence of false arbitration, and puts forward some ideas and methods to solve the problem, which is of great significance to curb the false arbitration and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of citizens.


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