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发布时间:2018-06-22 04:53

  本文选题:行政诉讼 + 判决方式 ; 参考:《四川师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:行政诉讼判决制度是行政诉讼法制度中最关键、最重要的部分,,而行政判决形式是对行政诉讼法立法目的的最终体现,因而研究行政诉讼的判决形式就具有十分重要的意义。根据《行政诉讼法》及司法解释的规定,我国行政诉讼判决形式有:维持判决、撤销判决(含重作判决)、变更判决、履行判决、确认判决和驳回诉讼请求判决等六种判决形式。这些判决形式在审判实践中仍然存在着一些不足之处,本文针对现存的不足,以解决行政诉讼在保护相对人合法权益上的不足的实际需要为目的,运用规范分析和比较法学的方法,根据行政诉讼法理,借鉴域外相对成熟的行政诉讼立法制度中关于判决形式的设立,从实践完善和制度完善两个层次出发,对我国现行的判决形式的适用完善作出较为详尽地分析并提出了相应的对策、建议。 本文重点分为三个部分,第一部分是关于行政判决一般理论以及对域外先进法治国家或者地区的行政诉讼判决制度的介绍;第二部分介绍维持判决、撤销判决(含重作判决)、变更判决、确认判决、履行判决、驳回诉讼请求判决等我国行政诉讼中现有的六种判决形式的内涵及适用条件,并根据实践中的具体运行,分析这些判决形式之不足;第三部分是针对我国行政诉讼中现行判决形式存在的问题,提出相应的对策及建议,同时为了实现全面保障公民权益这一行政诉讼的价值目标,提出增加设立禁令判决、舍弃、认诺判决、中间判决等判决形式。
[Abstract]:The judgment system of administrative litigation is the most important part in the system of administrative procedure law, and the form of administrative judgment is the ultimate embodiment of the legislative purpose of administrative procedure law, so it is of great significance to study the judgment form of administrative litigation. According to the provisions of the Administrative procedure Law and the judicial interpretation, there are six kinds of judgment forms of administrative litigation judgment in our country: maintaining judgment, annulling judgment (including re-making judgment), changing judgment, fulfilling judgment, confirming judgment and rejecting litigation request judgment, etc. These forms of judgment still have some shortcomings in trial practice. The purpose of this paper is to solve the actual needs of the administrative litigation in protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the relative party. By using the method of normative analysis and comparative jurisprudence, according to the legal theory of administrative litigation, the author draws lessons from the establishment of judgment form in the relatively mature foreign administrative litigation legislative system, starting from the two levels of practice perfection and system perfection. This paper makes a detailed analysis on the application and perfection of the present judgment form in our country and puts forward some corresponding countermeasures and suggestions. This article is divided into three parts, the first part is about the general theory of administrative judgment and the introduction of the administrative litigation judgment system of the advanced countries or regions with the rule of law in foreign countries and regions; the second part introduces the maintenance of the judgment. The connotations and applicable conditions of the existing six forms of judgment in administrative litigation in China, such as rescission of judgment (including re-rendering judgment), modification of judgment, confirmation of judgment, fulfillment of judgment, rejection of litigation request judgment, etc., and according to the specific operation in practice, The third part is to put forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions in view of the problems existing in the current judgment form of administrative litigation in our country, and at the same time, to realize the value goal of protecting citizens' rights and interests in an all-round way. Put forward to set up injunction judgment, abandon, promise judgment, intermediate judgment and other forms of judgment.


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