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发布时间:2018-06-24 01:37

  本文选题:刑事见证 + 侦查行为 ; 参考:《海南大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The principle of legally prescribed punishment for a crime is the most basic principle in criminal law. The so-called "statutory" means that the determination of an offence must be clearly defined by the law, and the basis of the determination of the charge is based on various kinds of evidence obtained by the investigative organ during the investigation stage. The investigation procedure derived from it and the evidence obtained by the investigation procedure should conform to the law. In the initial stage of a case, the investigative organ is the only organization authorized by law and legally obtained evidence. Whether the investigation act of the investigative organ is lawful or not is directly related to the smooth progress of the case. More directly affect the victims and criminal suspects can be guaranteed vital interests. The appearance of cases of unjust falsehood and error is often directly related to the ways and means of obtaining evidence at the stage of investigation, and when the investigation organs obtain evidence, they often obtain the evidence in secret. On the one hand, this is the need to solve the case. But on the other hand, it also reflects that the investigative organ is the first person to obtain evidence, and its explanation of the ways and means of obtaining evidence is only a word of the whole family. Therefore, in order to restrict the excessive abuse of public power, witness system is introduced in order to ensure the legitimacy of evidence, to better realize judicial justice and protect human rights. Therefore, witness system in the legal system continues to improve today, it is particularly important. Specifically, this paper from the following aspects: the first part discusses the basic overview of witness system. Starting with the concept of criminal witness, the scope of criminal witness is defined from the aspects of time and subject, and the value of criminal witness in criminal case is analyzed according to the function of criminal witness in the process of litigation, which is mainly embodied in the procedure. Power restriction and the protection of the defendant's rights. It is embodied in the investigation, inspection, search and so on, which is an important link to ensure the fairness and fairness of criminal cases. The second part focuses on the relevant provisions of foreign criminal witness system. According to the legislation and judicial practice of the countries, the civil law system and the common law system stipulate different witness models, including the following three witness modes: compulsory witness, free witness and exclusive witness. This article has carried on the detailed elaboration to these three kinds of models, and has carried on the horizontal comparison, analyzed each kind of pattern's advantage and the disadvantage, thus has laid the foundation for the later article our country criminal witness reference. The third part of the "Criminal procedure Law" of the witness system is too vague, resulting in the judicial practice of investigation behavior is more arbitrary, seriously affecting the application of the rules of evidence in judicial practice. The present situation is closely related to the traditional political philosophy and legal culture of our country and fails to elevate the criminal witness system to the legal level. The fourth part from the construction of a sound criminal witness system, combined with the previous foreign legislation worthy of reference, from the qualification and number of criminal witnesses, the status of criminal witnesses and the scope of criminal witness. For the criminal investigation work can legally and effectively carry out to provide a way of supervision, for the formation of a complete and legal evidence chain to do a good job, for the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the parties to provide a guarantee.


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