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发布时间:2018-06-26 02:29

  本文选题:刑事证人 + 保护制度 ; 参考:《兰州大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:正如著名的古老法律谚语所说:没有证人就没有诉讼。证人是刑事诉讼中十分重要的诉讼参与人,证人证言是刑事诉讼中关键的证据之一,对于确定侦查或调查方向、认定案件事实、完成诉讼任务、实现司法公正等方面都具有非常重要的作用。我国法律规定,凡是知道案件情况的人,都有作证的义务。 2012年修订的《刑事诉讼法》加强了对刑事证人保护的力度,这是在刑事证人保护制度上很大进步。但是我们不得不承认,同域外证人保护制度较为完善的国家和地区相比我国的证人保护制度还存在很多不足之处。在现实生活中,刑事证人因作证被威胁、恐吓甚至打击报复的案件常有发生。因而,证人不愿意作证、不出庭作证等现象十分普遍。最高人民检察院统计数据显示,刑事案件中有明确证人的超过80%,最后能出庭作证的却不足5%。对此现状,根本原因是我国的现行立法对证人及其亲属的人身安全和经济利益的保护乏力,证人的权利与义务严重失衡。因此,对刑事证人保护制度的再完善进行研究具有十分重要的意义。 本文首先对刑事诉讼证人保护制度的理论基础及其价值进行论述;然后考察了域外国家和地区较为完善的刑事证人保护制度,并对其刑事证人保护制度的共性进行了研究;然后客观的分析了当前我国关于刑事证人保护方面的现状,通过和域外较为完善的刑事证人保护制度进行比较,提出我国刑事证人保护制度方面存在的不足;最后笔者在借鉴吸收域外国家和地区成功的证人保护经验的基础上,同时在充分认识我国基本国情和尊重传统文化的前提下上,提出我国刑事证人保护制度再完善的构想。
[Abstract]:As the famous old legal proverb says: no witnesses, no litigation. Witnesses are very important participants in criminal proceedings, witness testimony is one of the key evidence in criminal proceedings, to determine the direction of investigation or investigation, to determine the facts of the case, to complete the task of litigation, The realization of judicial justice and other aspects have a very important role. According to the law of our country, anyone who knows the situation of a case has the duty to testify. The revised Criminal procedure Law in 2012 has strengthened the protection of criminal witnesses, which is a great progress in the system of criminal witness protection. However, we have to admit that there are still many deficiencies in witness protection system in our country compared with the countries and regions where the extraterritorial witness protection system is more perfect. In real life, criminal witnesses are threatened, intimidated or even retaliated for testifying. As a result, witnesses do not want to testify, do not testify in court and other phenomena are very common. Statistics of the Supreme people's Procuratorate show that there are more than 80 clear witnesses in criminal cases, but less than 5 people can testify in court. The fundamental reason for this is that the current legislation of our country is weak in protecting the personal safety and economic interests of witnesses and their relatives, and the rights and obligations of witnesses are seriously out of balance. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the perfection of criminal witness protection system. This paper first discusses the theoretical basis and value of witness protection system in criminal procedure, then investigates the perfect criminal witness protection system in foreign countries and regions, and studies the commonness of the criminal witness protection system. Then it objectively analyzes the present situation of criminal witness protection in our country, compares it with the perfect criminal witness protection system outside the country, and points out the shortcomings of the criminal witness protection system in our country. Finally, on the basis of absorbing the successful witness protection experiences of foreign countries and regions, and fully understanding the basic conditions of our country and respecting the traditional culture, the author puts forward the idea of perfecting the criminal witness protection system in our country.


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