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发布时间:2018-06-28 05:10

  本文选题:法官员额制 + 员额法官 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Judge post system is a judge management system established according to the need of judicial work to limit the number of judges. The aim of its reform is to create a professional, professional and elite team of judges, to shape the professional identity of judges and to establish judicial authority. To ensure the fairness of the trial. After 15 years of exploration and practice, judges' post system has accumulated a lot of useful experience and encountered many difficulties. The chief task of the post system of judges is to determine the number of judges at all levels of the courts, including the number of judges, the selection of judges, etc. After determining the number of judges, the local pilot courts have carried out the work of selecting and appointing post judges one after another, and promoted the reform of the post system of judges. The reform of judge post system brings opportunities and conditions to the reform of judge selection system in our country. At the same time, the reform of judge selection and appointment system is also an important content to deepen the reform of judicial system. At present, the main work of the Public Prosecutor selection (Corrections) Committee in the provinces is to select judges and prosecutors, which is responsible for the entry of good judges and prosecutors, which is consistent with the stage of reform. After the formal implementation of the post system of judges, the additional selection of vacant judges, especially the newly appointed judges, shall be carried out by the judges, who shall be selected by the Public Prosecutor selection (Corrections) Commission to ensure that the newly appointed judges meet the requirements for the post of judges after the reform, Make sure that the goal of reform is achieved. The reform of the post system of judges and the establishment of judges and procurators selection (disciplinary) committees under the provincial level will inevitably bring about a change in the system of selecting and appointing judges. This paper is divided into three parts: introduction, subject and conclusion, in which the subject is composed of the following four parts: the first part is to introduce the general situation of judges selection and appointment under the background of the reform of the post system of judges in our country. The main content is the origin and development of the reform of the post system of judges in our country and the present situation of the selection and appointment of judges in the course of the reform. Among them, the status quo of post judges selection includes the selection of post judges, selection methods, selection procedures and examination of the content, but also analyzes the existing problems of post judges selection. The second part is to sort out the legislative status of judges selection and analyze the shortcomings of judges selection legislation. The present legislative situation of the system of selecting and appointing judges mainly includes the orientation of judges in the Law of judges, the conditions of judges' appointment, the mechanism of selecting and appointing judges, and so on. The lack of legislation in the selection of judges is mainly reflected in the lack of clear positioning of judges, the low and unspecific conditions of judges' appointment, the unreasonable mechanism of judges' selection and appointment, and so on. The third part is the legislative investigation and enlightenment to the system of selecting judges in foreign countries and regions. Focusing on the system of selecting and appointing judges in the United States, Germany, Japan and Taiwan, respectively, this paper introduces the conditions, institutions and procedures for the selection of judges in these countries and regions. The main revelations include: higher conditions of judges should be stipulated, judges should be appointed by higher levels of the main body, and so on. The fourth part is to put forward some thoughts and suggestions on how to perfect the system of selecting and appointing judges in our country, including: perfecting the system of selection committee, proposing to set up the selection committee and disciplinary committee separately, proposing to create the system of "alternate judge". This paper analyzes the necessity and feasibility of creating the system of "alternate judges", the selection and training of "alternate judges", and proposes to perfect the system of selecting judges step by step and the selection system of the presidents of the people's courts of our country, including defining the nominating subjects, To define the subject of examination and so on.


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