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发布时间:2018-06-28 11:46

  本文选题:无独立请求权第三人 + 准独立当事人说 ; 参考:《南京大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The fifty-sixth provisions of the civil procedure law lead to the incapable inherent contradictions in the third party system without independent claim in China. It is necessary to reconstruct the system of third persons without independent claim in our country. Its appearance marks the mature stage of China's research on the third person problem of independent claim. However, there is still a lack of careful review and investigation of the theory of reconstruction. What's the difference between the cases and the refactoring theory raised by the refactoring theory? Is it possible to find a theory that includes and transcends all the refactoring theories. This paper is a process of "breaking" the theory of refactoring, which is a process of testing the theory, including clarifying the misreading of the refactoring theory to the problem, and to some weight. The structure theory is debatable, including a reminder of collateral damage that may lead to some theories, including the investigation of the object of reconstruction and the more inclusive new theory. In addition to the conclusion, this article is divided into six parts. The study of the third person system of the right of request has been deeply studied, and several theories on the reconstruction of the third person system without independent claim have been formed. After the emergence of the theory of reconstruction, the academic circles have slowed down the study of the question of the third person without independent claim. At this stage it is necessary to investigate the theory of reconstruction. The various reconstruction theories put forward, point out that the task of this article is to examine the theory of reconstruction, criticize or amend it. The second part: < applicable opinion > sixty-sixth unlawful judicial interpretations, but the correct interpretation of the fifty-sixth articles in the law of civil procedure. It is necessary to reconstruct the current system. The main contribution of the reconstruction theory is to clarify the litigation status of the third people without independent claim, but not to make the third persons without independent claim the procedural guarantee. The third part: the source, the reconfiguration idea, the restructure of the reconfiguration and the quasi independent parties. From the case and the type, there is a place to be discussed, which advocates the correction of the scope of application of the independent parties. The fourth part: the reconstructive claim of the introduction of the third party defendants and the extraterritorial law of its reference (the introduction of the third party defendant system in the United States): the reconfiguration of the third defendants of the accused has been carried out. It points out that it inherits the core ideas of the introduction of the third party defendants and complements it, and makes an investigation on the reconfiguration of the third people said by the compulsory participation type, and points out that it has also inherited the core view of the introduction of the third party defendants, and it criticized and amended the views of the third party accused and the third party. It disagrees with the two conclusions obtained by the third persons of the compulsory participation type through comparative study, and explains the residual of the third persons in the third person system without independent claim, pointing out that there are essential differences between the third persons of the compulsory participation type and the current system, and the compulsory participation of third people also denies the practice of investigating the responsibility of the third persons. The fifth part: it examines the reconstructive ideas and reasons for the auxiliary participation theory, introduces the important contents of the auxiliary participation system in the continental law system, expounds the different litigation structures of the two legal systems, and compares the litigation efficiency of the similar systems of the two legal systems. The sixth part: the mainstream reconstruction theory realizes that third people participate in the lawsuit book. Quality is a kind of merger of the lawsuit, which should be allowed to combine the lawsuit of third persons introduced by the defendant and the litigation of this lawsuit. The theory of the merger of the main body of the lawsuit is more important than the mainstream reconstruction theory, and advocates that the third party of the most canonical type which has compulsory legal relationship with the result of the case litigation is to take part in the lawsuit; the subject of the lawsuit is the subject of the lawsuit. The theory of compulsory merger is of great theoretical value.


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