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发布时间:2018-06-30 05:14

  本文选题:民事执行 + 执行检察监督 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:《民事诉讼法》是我国的一部基本法律,是我们进行民事诉讼活动、维护自身合法权益的重要保障,也是检察机关开展民事检察监督的基本法律依据。我国市场经济的迅速发展与社会机制的不断变革使得原来的《民事诉讼法》已不能满足当前社会的需要,对其进行修改已经十分的必要。因此,在司法实践不断探索的基础上及广大专家学者持续不断的努力之下,第十一届全国人大常委会第28次会议于2012年8月31日表决通过了《民事诉讼法》的修改决定,其中强化检察监督是此次修改的一大重点,修改过后的《民事诉讼法》进一步明确了检察机关的法律监督的地位,并在多个方面增设了对检察监督的规定,为民事执行检察监督工作全面开展奠定了坚实的法律基础。与此同时,法律的规定并不是方方面面的,在一定程度上多多少少还是有漏洞的,新的民事诉讼法在今后的实施过程中,也不乏会有新问题的出现。因此,对于民事执行检察监督工作来说,,此次民事诉讼法的修改对其提出了更高的要求,机遇与挑战是并存的。也就是民事执行检察监督在目前虽然以基本法的形式获得了确认,在司法实践中也积累了一定的经验,但监督的实践中还是面临着诸多的困境是需要亟待解决的。 关于民事执行检察监督这一问题已经有很多的学者研究过,笔者在借鉴此前研究成果的基础上,同时基于对民事执行活动本身的尊重、坚持依法监督及不对人民法院执行工作造成不当干预的原则,对该问题提出自己的粗浅看法。本论文除了引言和结语外,共分为五大部分: 第一部分简要的从我国检察机关的性质和职能及民事执行检察监督的内涵上概述了我国民事执行检察监督的大致情况,主要涉及到对一些基本概念的厘清,这也是写作本论文最基本的基点和起点。 第二部分主要从立法规定上的缺失、司法实践运作上存有诸多问题的角度对我国民事执行检察监督的现状作了一个整体上的分析,进而突出在我国建立民事执行检察监督的必要性和重要性。 第三部分主要是从几个不同的角度对我国民事执行检察监督在哪些方面存在着的困境作了分析,因为要想解决一个问题,就要首先认清问题的症结在何处,故这一部分的对困境的描述主要是为下文所述的困境之解决做铺垫的。 第四部分从立法机关方面、法检两系统方面有针对性地对我国民事执行检察监督所存在上述困境的原因作出了笔者自己一些疏浅的看法。 第五部分主要是对上述一部分执行检察监督所存在的困境给出了笔者自己的一些不成熟的解决办法,这一部分也是本论文的重心之所在。主要对民事执行检察监督所应贯彻的基本原则、监督的范围、方式、管辖、保障措施及与其他相关制度的协作等方面作了较具体的分析,以求对我国民事执行检察监督所面临困境的解决贡献一份绵薄的力量。
[Abstract]:The Civil procedure Law is a basic law of our country. It is an important guarantee for us to carry out civil litigation activities and safeguard our own legitimate rights and interests. It is also the basic legal basis for procuratorial organs to carry out civil procuratorial supervision. With the rapid development of market economy and the continuous change of social mechanism, the original Civil procedure Law can not meet the needs of the current society, so it is necessary to modify it. Therefore, on the basis of the continuous exploration of judicial practice and the continuous efforts of the vast number of experts and scholars, the 28th meeting of the standing Committee of the Eleventh National people's Congress voted on 31 August 2012 to adopt the decision on the amendment of the Civil procedure Law. Among them, strengthening procuratorial supervision is a major focus of this revision. The revised "Civil procedure Law" further clarifies the legal supervision status of procuratorial organs, and has added provisions on procuratorial supervision in many aspects. For the civil execution of procuratorial supervision work to lay a solid legal foundation. At the same time, the provisions of the law are not all aspects, to a certain extent, there are still loopholes, the new civil procedure law in the future implementation process, there will be some new problems. Therefore, for the supervision of civil execution, the revision of the civil procedure law puts forward higher requirements, opportunities and challenges coexist. That is, the procuratorial supervision of civil execution has been confirmed in the form of basic law and accumulated some experience in judicial practice, but the practice of supervision still faces many difficulties that need to be solved urgently. On the issue of procuratorial supervision of civil execution has been studied by many scholars. Based on the previous research results and respect for civil enforcement activities, This paper insists on the principle of supervising according to law and not unduly interfering in the execution of the work of the people's court, and puts forward his own superficial views on this issue. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this thesis is divided into five parts: the first part briefly summarizes the general situation of the procuratorial supervision of civil execution in China from the nature and function of the procuratorial organ and the connotation of the civil execution procuratorial supervision. It mainly involves the clarification of some basic concepts, which is the most basic point and starting point of this thesis. The second part mainly analyzes the current situation of procuratorial supervision of civil execution in our country from the point of view of the lack of legislation and regulations and the problems in judicial practice. Furthermore, the necessity and importance of establishing procuratorial supervision of civil execution in China are highlighted. The third part is mainly from several different angles to our country civil execution procuratorial supervision in which aspects of the plight of analysis, because in order to solve a problem, we must first understand where the crux of the problem lies. Therefore, this part of the description of the plight is mainly for the settlement of the plight described below. In the fourth part, the author makes some superficial views on the reasons of the above difficulties in our country's civil execution procuratorial supervision from the legislative organs and the two systems of law and procuratorial inspection. The fifth part mainly gives some immature solutions to the difficulties existing in the execution of procuratorial supervision in the above part, which is also the focus of this paper. It mainly analyzes the basic principles, the scope, the way, the jurisdiction, the safeguard measures and the cooperation with other relevant systems of civil execution procuratorial supervision. In order to solve the difficulties faced by the procuratorial supervision of civil execution in China, contribute a modest force.


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