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发布时间:2018-07-07 19:32

  本文选题:诉外调解协议 + 司法确认制度 ; 参考:《河南大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The judicial confirmation system of external mediation agreement (hereinafter referred to as judicial confirmation system) is an important link in the connection mechanism of litigation and mediation, and is the innovation of judicial system in our country. The establishment of the system makes the external mediation agreement compulsory execution, breaking the situation that the external mediation agreement is not effective. Since the implementation of the new Code of Civil procedure, the basic courts in various parts of the country have applied the judicial confirmation system to varying degrees. However, the current law and judicial interpretation only make the principle and general provisions for the judicial confirmation system. Through the inquiry of relevant materials and cases, the author finds that there is still a certain gap between the theory and practice: because the judicial confirmation system is a judicial system that has been accumulated and created by practice in our country, the running time is not long, and the relevant theoretical research is not sufficient. Therefore, the application scope of judicial confirmation system, the jurisdiction of the court, the way of starting, the way of examination and standard, the relief and so on need to be further discussed. Through the analysis and summary of the experience accumulated by the courts in the application of judicial confirmation system, this paper holds that we should continue to perfect the applicable rules of the judicial confirmation system and establish a more reasonable mechanism of conciliation and litigation convergence. Starting with the value of the judicial confirmation system, this paper expounds the procedure operation, the application situation and the problems existing in the application process of the judicial confirmation system, and finally puts forward the corresponding consummation measures in order to be beneficial to the perfection of the judicial confirmation system. In addition to the preface and conclusion, there are five parts in this paper. Part one, This paper analyzes the existence significance of judicial confirmation system: (1) safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the parties; (2) expanding the judicial authority of the court; (3) improving the utilization rate of judicial resources; (4) providing effective support and protection to the grassroots mediation Obstacle; (5) make the diversification dispute resolution mechanism more perfect. The second part expounds the procedure operation of judicial confirmation system, including the scope of application, the jurisdiction of the court, the starting mode and the examination, and introduces the operation process of the judicial confirmation system in an all-round way. The third part, through comparative analysis, summarizes the experience of judicial confirmation system applied by courts in Dingxi City, Zhejiang Province and Hunan Province, Gansu Province, and points out the factors that affect judicial confirmation cases: first, Second, the degree of familiarity and acceptance of the judicial confirmation system; third, the rationality of the procedure operation of the judicial confirmation system itself. In addition, by listing and studying the specific cases, this paper points out the problems in practice: first, there are a large number of irregularities in the process of writing the judicial confirmation award; second, The examination method of the judicial confirmation case is not unified with the standard of review; third, it is confused with the procedure; fourth, the protection of the rights of the parties and the outsiders in the case is confused. The fourth part, synthesizes the above analysis, This paper points out the problems existing in the practical application of the judicial confirmation system: (1) the scope of application and the jurisdiction of the court are unreasonable; (2) the starting mode of the judicial confirmation is open to question; (3) the mode of examination and the standard of the judicial confirmation are discussed. It is not clear enough; (4) the res judicata of the judicial confirmation decision is not clear; (5) the relief of the parties and outsiders in the case is insufficient; (6) there is a large number of irregularities in the expression of the judicial confirmation award; (7) the degree of attention to the judicial confirmation system is not enough. The fifth part, perfect the path construction of judicial confirmation system. This part puts forward corresponding countermeasures from three aspects. The first is to make clear the principles of the judicial confirmation system of the external mediation agreement, the second is to make clear the specific application of the judicial confirmation system of the external mediation agreement, and the third is to increase the publicity and guidance to the judicial confirmation system.


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