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发布时间:2018-07-18 08:16
[Abstract]:With the deepening of the reform of the civil trial mode, there exists the current situation of the operation of the legal evidence system which is too formalized in the evaluation of the evidential power in the application of the relevant evidence rules in the legislation of the civil evidence acceptance system in our country. Based on the current judicial situation in China, this paper tries to explore the problems from the legislative and empirical levels, in order to find the causes of formation in the analysis of theory and practice. That is, in theory, the dual view of "objective reality" and "legal truth" is taken as the entry, and in practice, the judge is subject to the rules of the system. The factors such as management system and assessment system can not be used to analyze the typical cases in which the evidence proof can not be evaluated freely, and the harm of the legalization of civil evidence adoption in the trial practice is expounded. Therefore, on the basis of legislative analysis and empirical analysis, in order to reduce the use of legal evidence in the civil evidence acceptance activities in China, we can from the level of rules. Open-minded evidence and the independence of judges three aspects of the corresponding system and system improvement.


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