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发布时间:2018-07-21 12:34
【摘要】:民事裁判文书公开是审判公开在新时期的具体要求。民事裁判文书的公开不仅有利于人民法院落实公开审判原则和广泛接受人民监督的意志,也有利于保障了公众的参与权、知情权和监督权。 最新修订的《民事诉讼法》规定公众可以查阅发生法律效力的判决书、裁定书。2014年1月1日生效的《最高人民法院关于人民法院在互联网公布裁判文书的规定》规范了民事裁判文书上网公开制度的内容、程序以和相关保障措施,使得在中国裁判文书网公开的各级法院生效的裁判文书具有统一的公开平台、公开程序、公开内容、公开保障措施,推进实现司法透明化的进程。但是相比域外国家(地区)的网上公开、判例形式公开以及严密的判决理由、合议庭少数人意见的公开,我国民事裁判文书公开在裁判文书质量,审核程序、告知程序、技术处理程序、检索程序等仍然存在隐患和不足。 本文共有四部分,第一部分是民事裁判文书公开制度基本理论;第二部分是我国民事裁判文书公开现状及评析;第三部分是国外民事裁判文书公开现状及评析;第四部分是我国民事裁判文书公开制度的完善。本文以民事裁判文书公开与审判公开、当事人隐私保护的两大关系为法理基础,评析国内外关于民事裁判文书公开的规制现状和司法实践现状,提出在遵循全部完整公开原则、谨慎公开原则、统一公开原则的基础上,完善民事裁判文书公开制度的公开的形式、内容、程序、保障四个体系的建议。 另外,民事裁判文书上网公开只是民事裁判文书公开制度的一部分,还需要注意民事裁判文书本身内容的改革方向,例如合议庭少数人意见,,当事人双方诉辩意见,案件质证,证据的分析认证等的公开。民事裁判文书应该具有:反映完整的审判过程,说理透彻有力,文本规范精确的特点。
[Abstract]:The opening of civil judgment documents is the specific requirement of open trial in the new period. The publicity of civil judgment documents is not only conducive to the people's court to implement the principle of open trial and widely accept the will of the people to supervise, but also conducive to the protection of public participation, the right to know and the right to supervision. The newly amended Code of Civil procedure provides for public access to legally binding judgments, Order. The provisions of the Supreme people's Court on the publication of judgment documents by the people's Court on the Internet, effective January 1, 2014, regulate the contents, procedures, and related safeguards of the online disclosure system of civil adjudicative documents, So that the courts at all levels that are open in China's adjudicative documents network have a unified open platform, open procedures, open content, open safeguard measures, and promote the process of realizing judicial transparency. However, compared with the online publicity of foreign countries (regions), the open form of jurisprudence and the strict reasons for adjudication, the public opinion of a minority of collegiate panels, the publicity of civil adjudicative documents in China is in the quality of adjudication documents, the examination procedures, and the notification procedures. There are still hidden dangers and deficiencies in technical processing and retrieval procedures. There are four parts in this paper: the first part is the basic theory of the open system of civil adjudication documents; the second part is the current situation and evaluation of the opening of civil adjudicative documents in China; the third part is the current situation and evaluation of the opening of civil adjudicative documents abroad. The fourth part is the perfection of the open system of civil adjudication documents in our country. Based on the legal basis of the two relations between the opening of civil adjudicative documents and the open trial, and the protection of the privacy of the parties, this paper comments on the present situation of regulation and judicial practice of the openness of civil adjudicative documents at home and abroad, and puts forward that the principles of full disclosure should be followed. On the basis of the principle of careful publicity and unifying the principle of openness, the suggestions of perfecting the open form, content, procedure and protection of the four systems of the open system of civil adjudication documents are put forward. In addition, the online disclosure of civil adjudication documents is only a part of the open system of civil adjudicative documents. We also need to pay attention to the direction of reform of the contents of civil adjudicative documents, such as the opinions of a minority of the collegiate panel, the pleading opinions of both parties, and the cross-examination of cases. The publication of evidence, analysis, authentication, etc. Civil adjudication documents should have the characteristics of reflecting a complete trial process, reasoning thoroughly and accurately.


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