[Abstract]:In this revision of the Criminal procedure Law, the establishment of the criminal legal aid system in the pretrial stage is a major step forward, but it can only maintain a cautious and optimistic attitude: on the one hand, on the basis of absorbing the rationalized kernel of the existing laws and regulations and judicial interpretation, The new law confirms the applicant legal aid system and is expected to ease the embarrassing situation of low application rates and poor aid effectiveness, mainly due to "no criminal procedure law", and may lead to a significant increase in the number of cases. However, because of the lack of relevant safeguard mechanism, it is difficult for people to be optimistic about the implementation of the new law. On the other hand, the new law extends the application stage of the designated defense to the investigation stage, and establishes the system of designating the defense in the pre-trial stage. It is beneficial to better protect the rights and interests of criminal suspects and may also bring about a large increase in the number of cases. However, the system design is based on the trial stage, which leads to the poor operability of the pretrial stage of the designated defense. Therefore, according to the characteristics of the pretrial procedure, we should expand the scope of application of the assigned defense in the pretrial stage, establish the legal aid guarantee mechanism and expand the professional legal aid lawyers to cope with the impact brought by the implementation of the new Criminal procedure Law.
【作者单位】: 四川师范大学法学院;
【基金】:2013年四川省教育厅一般项目“量刑辩护实证研究”(13SB0224) 2012年四川师范大学博士科研启动项目“刑事法律援助实证研究”的部分成果
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