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发布时间:2018-07-31 11:36
[Abstract]:Trial is the key link of case trial and an important occasion for judges and parties to seek justice. In the process of their development, argumentalism and authority litigation have shown a trend of convergence and convergence, which has led to a synergetic trial. Synergy combines the advantages of argumentalism and power doctrine and pays attention to the relationship between judge and litigant. It is of great significance for the construction of trial procedure of administrative litigation in our country. At present, the trial of administrative litigation in our country has the characteristics of strong competition of the parties and the argumentalism of the judge's negative judgment. Although this kind of trial presupposes the ideal function has certain exertion, but in the lawsuit participant and the trial match degree, the trial main function realization, the judgment result production and so on aspect has the movement deviation and the insufficiency. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the current administrative litigation court and construct the synergetic relationship between the judge and the litigant, so as to overcome the existing drawbacks.
【作者单位】: 清华大学;


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