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发布时间:2018-08-03 07:16
[Abstract]:The development of civil enforcement system is deeply influenced by humanism and rationalism in philosophy. Under the guidance of this theory, the parties are required to rely on their own rationality to analyze and judge whether they are willing to make use of public power to realize their creditor's rights. In order to force the executor to perform the contents stipulated in various legal instruments, such as judicial decisions, the intervention of state public power is the most authoritative and mandatory. However, with the development of the market economy, the type and quantity of civil disputes will change greatly. Make a special civil enforcement law. Referring to the legislative experience of foreign countries, the civil enforcement system is the system design with the civil enforcement power as the core. It mainly includes five aspects: the civil enforcement authority, the civil enforcement agency, the operation procedure of civil enforcement and the mechanism of the procuratorate's supervision power and related responsibility in the process. Civil enforcement power is an independent and complex state public power. Although it has some characteristics of both executive power and judicial power, it can not be completely equal to these two powers. There are three main difficulties in the operation of executive power: the property of the person executed is difficult to find, the efficiency of the executive organization coordination level is low, and the force of the executor is weak. At the same time, it must be recognized that the intervention of the public power of the state can, on the one hand, have positive effects such as quick execution; on the other hand, in the field of judicial practice, it is easy to appear because of the lack of effective supervision and restriction mechanisms. Public power infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of the parties and interested parties. Therefore, the civil enforcement system of our country should not only guarantee the realization of the judicial judgment, but also take into account the procedural justice in the process of execution, and seek the human care of the person being executed in order to achieve the unity of the legal effect and the social effect.


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