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发布时间:2018-08-03 11:17
[Abstract]:Judicial centralism, as an academic category with rich connotation, has become one of the core tasks of deepening the public security reform in an all-round way after the fourth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, which is closely related to the investigation and collection of evidence. From the perspective of judicial centralism, there are still some problems in the current investigation and collection of evidence in public security organs, such as the thinking concept, the behavior of investigation and evidence collection, the mechanism of law enforcement system, and so on. The public security organs can make comprehensive efforts to reform the countermeasures from the aspects of reconstructing the concept of criminal investigation, improving the investigation and collecting evidence, increasing the input of science and technology information, perfecting the system of law enforcement responsibility, and so on, in order to bring the reform task to the ground.
【作者单位】: 重庆警察学院;


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