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发布时间:2018-08-03 15:20
[Abstract]:The judge impeachment system is an important part of the judicial system and also one of the judges' identity security system. It has taken root and blossomed in many countries, and has played a significant role in the professional supervision system of judges abroad, which not only guarantees the integrity of the judiciary, but also ensures the integrity of the judiciary. It also guarantees that judges will not be arbitrarily removed. At present, there is no judge impeachment system in our country. However, there are still many defects in the extant system. This article first combs the theory question of impeachment, on the basis of the historical investigation to impeachment system, leads to the concept, function and significance of modern judge impeachment system, judicial supervision and right relief are the main function of judge impeachment system. Its system significance is mainly to maintain judicial independence, standardize the behavior of judges, restrain judicial corruption, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of judges. In addition, the differences between impeachment system of judges and disciplinary system of judges, recall system of judges are also discussed in particular. This paper analyzes the current situation and existing problems of the current system of removal of judges from the aspects of legislation and practice, and makes a specific investigation of the United States, Germany, and other aspects of the impeachment subject, the cause of impeachment, the impeachment procedure, and so on. The impeachment system of judges in three countries of Japan tries to analyze the feasibility and necessity of constructing the theory and practice of impeachment system of judges in China on the basis of the experience of advanced legislation abroad. By drawing lessons from the beneficial elements of the foreign judge impeachment system, this paper expounds in detail the concept, principles and design of the specific system of building the judge impeachment system in our country, and makes a useful exploration on the road of constructing the judge impeachment system suitable for the national conditions of our country.


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