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发布时间:2018-08-07 17:34
【摘要】:我国立法于2012年引入公益诉讼制度,并在消费者权益保护法中加以规定,这是我国法治建设进步的体现。但是,目前消费者权益保护法中规定的消费公益诉讼仍缺乏可操作性,消费领域中预期的公益诉讼功能将难以得到有效发挥。通过分析,本文认为消费公益诉讼制度主要有三个方面的问题急需解决:消费者协会参与公益诉讼的范围、赔偿制度和诉讼利益分配制度的完善和构建。 新修改的《消费者权益保护法》明确授予消费者协会提起公益诉讼的原告主体资格,然而条文中只规定涉及“众多消费者”的案件可以介入其中,而没有说明何谓“众多”,在实际操作中很难做出明晰的判断,因此有必要对其进行细化;赔偿制度尤其是惩罚性赔偿制度确立的基础在于消费公益诉讼制度具有保护消费者权益和惩戒不法行为以矫正交易秩序的双重功能,但由于其严厉性特征,在适用上、数额上都必须严格依照法律的规定进行,但目前法律并没有相关规定;诉讼利益分配直接关系到消费者利益的维护,消费者协会不是直接利益受损者,却是诉讼原告,在胜诉的情况下,如何让受损的消费者分享到诉讼利益,弥补其损失,是消费公益诉讼的重要内容。 本文针对以上三个问题,在借鉴域外发达国家和地区的相关做法基础之上,提出相应制度构建和完善的建议:首先,,可以通过立法或者司法解释以及消费者协会自身的章程进一步明确消费者协会参与消费公益诉讼的范围,制定消费者协会介入公益诉讼的客观标准。其次,构建具有层级性的消费公益诉讼赔偿制度,在充分权衡惩罚性赔偿制度之利弊的前提下明确赔偿层级,并对惩罚性赔偿制度的应用进行严格的限制。最后,确立诉讼利益分配制度,通过法院介入、公告登记程序、专项诉讼基金以及奖惩机制等措施明确诉讼利益归属。
[Abstract]:The legislation of our country introduced the public interest litigation system in 2012 and stipulated it in the law of consumer rights and interests protection, which is the embodiment of the progress of the construction of the rule of law in our country. However, the consumer public interest litigation stipulated in the consumer rights and interests protection law is still lack of maneuverability, and the expected public interest litigation function in the consumption field will not be able to be effectively brought into play. Through the analysis, this paper holds that there are three main problems in the consumer public interest litigation system: the scope of consumer association participation in public interest litigation, the perfection and construction of compensation system and litigation benefit distribution system. The newly amended Consumer Rights and interests Protection Act explicitly grants the plaintiff subject qualification to institute public interest litigation by consumer associations. However, the provisions only stipulate that cases involving "numerous consumers" may be involved, without stating what is "numerous". It is difficult to make clear judgment in practice, so it is necessary to refine it. The foundation of the establishment of the compensation system, especially the punitive damages system, is that the consumer public interest litigation system has the dual functions of protecting consumers' rights and interests and punishing illegal acts in order to correct the transaction order, but because of its harsh characteristics, it is applicable. The amount of money must be strictly carried out in accordance with the provisions of the law, but at present there are no relevant provisions in the law; the distribution of interests in litigation is directly related to the protection of the interests of consumers. Consumers' associations are not the direct interests of the injured, but litigation plaintiffs. In the case of successful litigation, how to let the injured consumers share the benefits of litigation and make up for their losses is an important content of consumer public interest litigation. In view of the above three problems, based on the reference of the relevant practices of foreign developed countries and regions, this paper puts forward some suggestions for the construction and improvement of the corresponding system: first, The scope of consumer associations participating in consumer public interest litigation can be further clarified through legislation or judicial interpretation and the articles of association of consumer associations themselves, and the objective criteria for consumer associations to intervene in public interest litigation can be formulated. Secondly, we should construct a hierarchical system of consumer public interest litigation damages, under the premise of fully weighing the advantages and disadvantages of the punitive damages system, and strictly restrict the application of the punitive damages system. Finally, the system of distribution of litigation interests should be established, including court intervention, announcement of registration procedure, special litigation fund and mechanism of reward and punishment, and so on.


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