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发布时间:2018-08-08 18:33
[Abstract]:As an indispensable important legal system of civil legislation in various countries, the system of limitation interruption of action is an important legal system, whose core value lies in urging creditors to actively claim their rights and to maintain a stable social and economic order. However, as far as the current legislation of our country is concerned, there are still some deficiencies and contradictions in the content of the rule of interruption of limitation of action, and the disconnection with practice leads to the impersonal demand of judicial practice being unable to meet. In addition, there are many disputes in academic circles about the rules of limitation interruption. By combing the research results of a large number of limitation interruption system, combining with the analysis and thinking of specific cases, this paper probes into the cause of the limitation interruption and its application in our country. At the same time, it makes a comparison between the civil law countries and the common law countries about the interruption of the limitation of action, in order to point out the problems in the application of the rules of the interruption of the limitation of action in our country. And put forward the perfect suggestion to our country's limitation interruption rule application. The first part of this paper is an overview of the system of limitation interruption of action, expounds the connotation of the system of interruption of limitation of action, analyzes the basic characteristics of the system of interruption of limitation of action, probes into the origin of the system of interruption of limitation of action, and explains the value of its existence. The second part of this paper deals with the application of the rules of limitation interruption caused by the request mode, and studies the specific problems such as the subject, the object, the way and the arrival of the expression of intention. The third part is about the specific application of the limitation interruption caused by the mode of prosecution and recognition. As far as the prosecution is concerned, the expanded interpretation of the prosecution, the time point at which the limitation of action is interrupted, the withdrawal of the suit after the prosecution, the inadmissibility of the action, the determination of the interruption of the statute of limitations in the case of dismissal of the prosecution, etc., are analyzed and resolved; as far as recognition is concerned, This paper expounds the problems of the interruption of limitation of action caused by recognition from three aspects of meaning, constitution and mode. The fourth part of this paper, starting with the current situation of the application of the limitation interruption rule in our country, analyzes its strong Chinese characteristics, points out the deficiencies of the limitation interruption application in our country, and puts forward some perfect countermeasures. To provide support for the better application of the statute of limitations interruption of our country.


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