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发布时间:2018-08-25 10:00
【摘要】:执行力及其主观范围的扩张,是执行领域的基础课题。对这一问题的研究,有助于研究执行当事人的变更追加等长期困扰司法实践的难题。本文以执行力主观范围及其扩张的正当性基础为研究核心,提出执行力主观范围扩张的两个基本正当要素,即程序正当要素及实体正当要素,并将其分解为四个具体要素,即一次性解决纠纷与实体法秩序维护、程序权保障及司法审查。这四个要素,是确定执行力主观范围扩张的关键所在。在此基础上,笔者以四要素为钥匙,分析了应当为执行力所及的主体范围,并根据程序保障的差异性原理,提出了完善有关执行力主观范围扩张程序的立法建议。 全文正文部分约十三万字。除绪论外,本文的具体内容包括以下五章: 第二章,执行力及其主观范围的一般理论。本章主要分析了执行力的概念、执行力的效力内容、执行力产生的正当性基础、执行力主观范围及其扩张的含义,阐述了执行力主观范围扩张与既判力主观范围扩张的关系,为后文深入论述构建理论框架。 第三章,执行力主观范围扩展的界限。本章在分析、检讨我国目前执行力主观范围扩张的法律规定、现实形态基础上,提出执行力主观范围扩张的两个基本标准,即实体性标准和程序性标准,并总结了执行力扩张及于第三人的两种基本类型:第一种类型,,是单纯的基于权利义务的继受(承受)而出现的执行力主观范围扩张,第二种类型,则是出于维护责任财产价值的目的而出现的扩张。在执行程序中确定执行力扩张的主观范围,关键的实体性标准就是看该扩张是否有利于确保满足受给权的财产的充实性,并确保对案外第三人执行时与实体法秩序一致。 第四章,执行力向实际的权利义务主体扩张。本章分析了执行力主观范围扩张的第一种类型,即基于执行名义确定的权利义务的继受(承受)而出现的执行力主观范围扩张,使执行力扩张及于执行当时实际的权利义务主体。这一类型的扩张主要包括向继受人扩张、向诉讼担当中的被担当人扩张、向连带权利义务主体扩张、向执行担保人扩张。 第五章,为责任财产充实而扩张执行力主观范围。本章分析了执行力主观范围扩张的第二种类型,即出于维护责任财产价值的目的而扩张。笔者分析了三种具体情况:执行力扩张及于为执行当事人及其继受人利益占有请求标的物之人、及于第三债务人、特定情况下及于为自己利益占有被执行人财产或曾属于被执行人财产的第三人。 第六章,执行力主观范围扩张的程序。本章通过比较域外对于执行力主观范围扩张的程序保障,提出程序保障的差异性理论,并以此为基础,分析了我国目前执行当事人变更追加程序的现状和问题,提出了立法改进建议。
[Abstract]:The expansion of executive power and its subjective scope is the basic subject in the field of execution. The study of this problem is helpful to study the problems that have puzzled judicial practice for a long time. Based on the research core of the subjective scope of executive power and its expansion legitimacy, this paper puts forward two basic legitimate elements of the extension of subjective scope of executive power, namely, procedural due factor and substantive legitimate factor, and decomposes them into four specific elements. That is, one-time dispute resolution and substantive law order maintenance, procedural rights protection and judicial review. These four elements are the key to determine the expansion of the subjective scope of execution. On this basis, the author takes the four elements as the key to analyze the scope of the subject which should be within the executive power, and according to the principle of the difference of the procedural guarantee, puts forward the legislative suggestions to perfect the expansion procedure of the subjective scope of the executive power. The text of the text is about 130000 words. In addition to the introduction, this paper includes the following five chapters: chapter two, the general theory of executive power and its subjective scope. This chapter mainly analyzes the concept of executive power, the content of executive force, the legitimate basis of executive power, the subjective scope of executive power and the meaning of its expansion, and expounds the relationship between the expansion of subjective scope of executive power and the extension of res judicata subjective range. For the following in-depth discussion of the construction of a theoretical framework. The third chapter, the limits of the extension of the subjective scope of executive power. On the basis of analyzing and reviewing the legal provisions of the expansion of the subjective scope of executive power in China, this chapter puts forward two basic criteria for the expansion of the subjective scope of executive power, namely, the substantive standard and the procedural standard. And summarizes two basic types of executive power expansion and the third party: the first type is the extension of subjective range of executive power based on rights and obligations, the second type. It is for the purpose of maintaining the value of the property of responsibility and expansion. To determine the subjective scope of the expansion of executive power in the execution procedure, the key substantive criterion is to see whether the expansion is conducive to ensuring the sufficiency of the property to be satisfied with the right to be given, and to ensure that the execution of the third party outside the case is consistent with the order of substantive law. The fourth chapter, the executive power to the actual rights and obligations of the main expansion. This chapter analyzes the first type of extension of subjective scope of executive power, that is, the extension of subjective scope of executive power based on the rights and obligations determined in the name of execution. To expand the executive power to the implementation of the actual rights and obligations of the subject. This type of expansion mainly includes the expansion to the successor, to the incumbent in the litigation, to the subject of joint and several rights and obligations, and to the guarantor of execution. Chapter five, expand the subjective scope of executive power for the enrichment of responsibility property. This chapter analyzes the second type of subjective extension of executive power, that is, expansion for the purpose of maintaining the value of responsible property. The author analyzes three specific situations: the expansion of executive power and the possession of the subject matter for the interests of the enforcement parties and their successors, and the third debtor, In certain circumstances and for the benefit of the third person who possessed or belonged to the property of the person subjected to execution. Chapter 6, the procedure of subjective scope expansion of executive power. In this chapter, the author puts forward the difference theory of the procedural guarantee by comparing the procedural guarantee of the extension of the subjective scope of the executive power, and on the basis of this, analyzes the current situation and problems of the supplementary procedure of the execution of the parties in our country at present. Suggestions for legislative improvement are put forward.


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