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发布时间:2018-08-28 17:54
【摘要】:随着经济社会的发展维权意识不断得到深化,在此过程中恶意诉讼侵权的现象也不断涌现。数量增多、范围扩大的发展趋势不得不引起学理研究和司法实践的关注。现代生物学研究表明,人类的基因具有趋利避害的本能。某种行为模式能够给人带来利益,这种行为模式就会得到强化。恶意诉讼案件数量呈上升趋势,最根本之原因就在于其能够使人们通过较低的成本获得较大利益。公平正义是法的根本价值之所在,然而在恶意诉讼过程中一些人通过法律手段掘取到大量的不正当利益,使受害人受到了非正常侵害,这种侵害即包含财产损害也包含精神损害。除此之外,恶意诉讼会破坏公序良俗,激化社会矛盾,同时也挑战了法律权威,浪费了我们国家本来就己经稀缺的司法资源。所以对恶意诉讼现象必须进行规制,但是如何对恶意诉讼进行规制,我国学界研究得还不够深入,当然也没有形成相对一致的观点。 当然,恶意诉讼在我国已经得到关注,并且对其研究也在逐步的深入。《宪法》、《民法通则》、《侵权责任法》对此问题作出了一些较原则的一般性规定;《知识产权法》、新《民事诉讼法》则对于规制恶意诉讼的部分情形给出了一些可操作的处理方式。恶意诉讼借助法律程序,在程序法中规制恶意诉讼有其一定道理。在诸多法律部门中新《民事诉讼法》对恶意诉讼的规制的针对性最强,相关条文最多,处罚方式具有多样化。但是,新《民事诉讼法》对于恶意诉讼的认识并非全面,处罚方式也没有击中恶意诉讼行为之要害。从国内立法上看,虽然用程序法规制恶意诉讼的倾向十分明显的,但是目前程序法在规制恶意诉讼方面依然存在不足。那么是否只要继续完善《民事诉讼法》相关内容即可解决恶意诉讼的规制问题?我认为这样的做法是不妥的,恶意诉讼从本质上来说是一种侵权行为,其更应该得到实体法尤其是侵权法的关注。 本文主要从侵权法角度对恶意诉讼侵权责任制度的构建进行探讨。为提出科学合理的恶意诉讼侵权责任制度,本文对恶意诉讼进行如下探究:第一章参考国内外学者对恶意诉讼之研究基础上对恶意诉讼侵权行为的概念进行界定、对实践中常见的恶意诉讼侵权行为进行分类;第二章介绍大陆法系及英美法系之恶意诉讼侵权立法及研究成果,,并对两大法系立法及研究成果进行评析;第三章在对恶意诉讼侵权行为概念及类型的研究基础深入分析恶意诉讼侵权责任的构成要件;第四章明确恶意诉讼责任承担范围及方式;第五章探讨我国借鉴国外立法经验时的考量因素,并在分析专家建议稿的基础上构建我国恶意诉讼侵权责任制度。
[Abstract]:With the development of economy and society, the consciousness of safeguarding human rights has been deepened, and the phenomenon of malicious lawsuit infringement has emerged in this process. With the increase of the number and the expansion of the scope, the trend of development has to arouse the attention of academic research and judicial practice. The number of malicious litigation cases is on the rise, the most fundamental reason is that people can obtain greater benefits through lower costs. Fairness and justice is the fundamental value of law, but in the course of malicious litigation, some people dig through legal means to a large extent. In addition, malicious litigation will destroy public order and good customs, intensify social contradictions, challenge the legal authority, and waste our country's already scarce judicial resources. However, how to regulate malicious litigation has not been studied thoroughly enough in the academic circles of our country, and of course there has not been a relatively consistent view.
Of course, malicious litigation in China has been concerned, and its research is also gradually in-depth. < Constitution >, < General Principles of Civil Law >, < Tort Liability Law > made some more general provisions on this issue; < Intellectual Property Law >, the new < Civil Procedure Law > provides some operable treatment for regulating some cases of malicious litigation. In many legal departments, the new Civil Procedure Law has the strongest pertinence to the regulation of malicious litigation, the most relevant provisions and the most diversified punishment methods. However, the new Civil Procedure Law does not have a comprehensive understanding of malicious litigation and punishment. From the domestic legislation, although the tendency to regulate malicious litigation by procedural law is very obvious, the current procedural law is still inadequate in regulating malicious litigation. So, as long as we continue to improve the relevant content of Civil Procedure Law, we can solve the problem of regulation of malicious litigation? I think this is not appropriate. Malicious litigation is essentially a kind of tort and should be paid more attention by substantive law, especially tort law.
This paper mainly discusses the construction of tort liability system of malicious litigation from the perspective of tort law. In order to put forward a scientific and reasonable tort liability system of malicious litigation, this paper explores malicious litigation as follows: Chapter 1 defines the concept of malicious litigation tort based on the study of malicious litigation by scholars at home and abroad. The second chapter introduces the legislation and research results of malicious litigation tort in continental law system and Anglo-American law system, and comments on the legislation and research results of the two legal systems; the third chapter analyzes the concept and types of malicious litigation tort liability in depth. The fourth chapter clarifies the scope and manner of malicious litigation liability. The fifth chapter discusses the factors of our country's consideration when drawing lessons from foreign legislative experience, and constructs our country's malicious litigation tort liability system on the basis of analyzing the experts'suggestions.


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