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发布时间:2018-08-28 19:14
[Abstract]:With the promulgation and implementation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in recent years, the cause of international human rights has been rapidly developed, and more countries in the world attach importance to and pay attention to the protection of human rights. In the process of criminal proceedings, criminal suspects, defendants legal rights of the more and more in-depth research, formed a perfect protection system, criminal suspects, defendants have been all-round protection. However, in contrast, as victims of criminal cases being infringed, they provide evidence for the investigation organs during the investigation stage and cooperate with the investigative organs to solve the cases. In addition, Their legal rights are almost unprotected by the judiciary. With the rise of victim science in the 20th century, the legal rights of victims are paid more and more attention. Countries begin to realize the importance of the protection of victims' rights, and gradually develop the protection of victims' rights, and implement them in laws and regulations. The investigation stage is the first stage of the criminal procedure. Doing a good job in the protection of the rights of the victims in the investigation stage plays a very important role in the whole process of the criminal procedure, and it is very important for ascertaining the circumstances of the case. Ensuring the smooth implementation of criminal procedure plays a vital role, and on the other hand, it also embodies the protection of human rights. At present, some major countries and regions in the world have done more in-depth research on the protection of the rights of victims, representing the direction of development in the world. The United States, Germany, Japan, and Taiwan have made outstanding achievements in the protection of victims' rights. The law specially used to protect the rights of the victims is formulated, and the protection of the rights of the victims is relatively comprehensive and is in the leading level in the world. Compared with the major regions and countries of the world, our country has not formulated laws specifically to protect the rights of victims. The contents of the protection of the rights of victims are scattered in various laws and related judicial interpretations, and there is the problem of the lack of lawyers' right to help. The provisions of the right to know, the right to privacy and the right to return the victim's property are not perfect, which is not conducive to the protection of the victim's legal rights. In judicial practice, although victims are listed as litigants, they are unable to participate in the proceedings effectively. Due to the investigation orientation of the examination-only theory, it is difficult for the victims of the cases that are not listed as the scope of the examination to defend their legal rights by solving the cases. On the other hand, the investigation organization does not pay attention to the psychological feelings of the victim in the process of questioning, which leads to the victim's "second victimization". There are many reasons for the insufficient protection of the rights of victims in our country, including legislative reasons, deep-rooted traditional litigation concepts, the reasons of the investigation mode and the deviation of the supervisor's understanding, aiming at the above reasons. In legislation, our country should implement the victim's right to help the lawyer in the investigation stage, perfect the victim's right to know, return the property and the right to privacy; in the judicial practice, the investigative organ should establish the scientific investigation direction, And the ways and means of questioning are improved, and finally, the balanced relationship between victims and criminal suspects' rights protection should be shaped. Only in this way, can the victims be protected in all directions.


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