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发布时间:2018-08-30 16:00
【摘要】:人身检查制度作为刑事诉讼中的一项重要制度,是针对被追诉者、第三人等活人身体进行的特殊检验,它是一系列合法、有效的检查活动。本论文的写作思想以我国刑事诉讼人身检查制度的法律完善为主线,围绕我国刑事诉讼人身检查制度的理论基础、实践现状和完善设计三个方面的内容展开论述,分析我国人身检查制度完善的可行性和必要性,从我国刑事诉讼程序中的一个微小制度层面出发进行思考,,以求找到该制度之完善建议。 本论文从基本理论的问题探讨出发,主要论述刑事诉讼人身检查制度的概念与性质,在界定刑事诉讼人身检查制度的特点、性质等基础上对刑事人身检查制度与勘验、搜查、鉴定等相似制度进行区分;其次是考察英美法系和大陆法系关于刑事诉讼人身检查制度的立法规定和实践操作,分析两大法系中该项制度的优缺之处,形成对我国刑事诉讼人身检查制度的相关参考意义;然后在总结我国刑事诉讼人身检查制度立法和司法实践现状的基础上,对我国刑事诉讼人身检查制度进行评析;最后在前三部分研究的基础之上,运用比较研究的方法结合外国在刑事诉讼人身检查制度规定中的有益之处,从当前我国的立法与实务出发,从刑事诉讼人身检查制度的原则、启动、实施、执行、救济等方面提出对我国刑事诉讼人身检查制度进行修改和完善的对策建议。 关于我国刑事诉讼人身检查制度的完善,笔者将提出以下建议或措施:一是用三大原则指导我国刑事诉讼人身检查制度的立法;二是在立法上对刑事诉讼人身检查制度进行分类;三是程序上的完善;四是相关配套制度的完善建议。
[Abstract]:As an important system in the criminal proceedings, the personal examination system is a special examination for the body of the prosecuted person, the third person and so on. It is a series of legal and effective inspection activities. The writing thought of this thesis is based on the legal perfection of the personal examination system of criminal procedure in our country. It discusses the theoretical foundation, the present situation of practice and the perfect design of the personal examination system of criminal procedure in our country. This paper analyzes the feasibility and necessity of perfecting the personal examination system in our country, and thinks about it from a minor system level in the criminal procedure of our country, in order to find out the perfect suggestion of the system. Based on the discussion of the basic theory, this paper mainly discusses the concept and nature of the personal examination system in criminal procedure, and on the basis of defining the characteristics and nature of the personal examination system in criminal procedure, it makes an investigation and search of the criminal personal examination system. Secondly, it investigates the legislative provisions and practice of the criminal procedure personal examination system in the Anglo-American law system and the civil law system, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of this system in the two major legal systems. Secondly, on the basis of summarizing the present situation of legislation and judicial practice of the personal inspection system in criminal procedure, the author evaluates the personal examination system of criminal procedure in our country. Finally, on the basis of the first three parts of the study, combining the advantages of foreign countries in the provisions of the personal examination system in criminal proceedings, starting from the current legislation and practice of our country, and from the principles of the criminal procedure personal examination system, This paper puts forward some suggestions on how to modify and perfect the personal examination system of criminal procedure in the aspects of startup, implementation, execution and relief. On the perfection of the personal examination system in criminal procedure, the author will put forward the following suggestions or measures: first, to guide the legislation of the personal examination system in criminal procedure with three principles; The second is to classify the personal examination system of criminal procedure in legislation; the third is to perfect the procedure; the fourth is to improve the relevant supporting system.


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