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发布时间:2018-09-09 13:22
[Abstract]:Arbitration, as an important dispute settlement method in ADR (non-litigation dispute settlement procedure), has been used more and more in the process of commercial dispute settlement. This paper introduces the meaning of arbitrators' discretion, the necessity and content of arbitrators' discretion and how to regulate it. First of all, combined with the definition and interpretation of the arbitrators' discretion, it summarizes the meaning of the arbitrators' discretion, and then discusses the general necessity and the special necessity of the arbitrators' discretion. On this basis, the content of arbitrators' discretion is explained emphatically. Finally, it is emphasized that arbitrators' discretion is important but must be regulated. The purpose of this paper is to arouse the attention and consideration of the arbitrators' discretion and even the arbitration system in the theoretical and practical circles. Combined with the practice of arbitration and the thinking of the future development of arbitration, the author thinks that while affirming the positive role of arbitrators' discretion, they must also put the power in the cage, otherwise, the consequences of power abuse are unthinkable.
【作者单位】: 对外经济贸易大学法学院;


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