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发布时间:2018-09-09 14:48
【摘要】:我国新修订的《民事诉讼法》主要内容之一就是确立了诚信原则。这对于遏制民事诉讼中不诚信的诉讼行为具有重大的意义。但是仅仅笼统地将诚信原则作为一项基本原则进行规定,是远远不够的,其适用缺乏相应的司法解释以及相配套的制度。因此,本文旨在研究诚信原则如何在民事诉讼中适用的问题,并且分为四个部分展开论述: 第一部分阐述诚信原则在民事诉讼中适用的法理基础。先从诚信原则在民法中的含义谈起,进而分析学界对于民事诉讼中诚信原则含义的界定,并且明确了诚信原则的地位。之后,对诚信原则在民事诉讼中的可适用进行了分析,并且指出此次《民事诉讼法》的修改,肯定了其可适用性。最后论述在民事诉讼中确立诚信原则的积极意义。 第二部分论述诚信原则在我国民事诉讼中的立法与适用现状。在该部分,以规制主体为标准,分为当事人、法官与其他诉讼参与人三类,分别进行阐述。首先,列举了与诚信有关的立法,并指出现行立法具有不能规范所有的不诚信诉讼行为的局限性。其次,通过分析司法实践中的具体案例来说明我国民事诉讼中诚信原则的适用现状。由此,也凸显了诚信原则入法的紧迫性。 第三部分比较分析诚信原则在大陆法系主要国家民事诉讼中的适用。由于我国自古是成文法国家,我国近代法制是大陆法系类型,且诚信原则源于大陆法系,而大陆法系国家又具有民事诉讼法典,种种原因促使我国在进行制度设计时以大陆法系国家的立法和司法实践为参考。德国和日本是大陆法系中的典型代表国家。因此,选择德国和日本作为比较研究的对象,并且从诚信原则的适用主体范围、适用方式及类型、违反诚信原则的法律后果三个方面来分析。进而也为我国进行制度设计提供了经验。 第四部分是诚信原则在我国民事诉讼中适用的制度构建。在诚信原则的适用主体范围上,不仅仅包括当事人还应当包括法院;适用方式上,我们需要考虑其与具体法律规则以及民事诉讼中其他基本原则之间的关系,从而更好地发挥其作用;适用类型方面,对于当事人的适用类型,可以分为:排除不正当形成的诉讼状态、禁止反言、禁止滥用诉讼权利以及禁止虚假陈述等。对于法官,,则主要是对其滥用自由裁量权以及突袭裁判的禁止;不同的主体违反的诚信原则所产生的法律后果也不同,我们不能进行死板地统一的规定,必须结合具体的情形区别对待,从而达到实质的公平、正义。此外,为了保障诚信原则在民事诉讼中的适用,对于当事人、法官以及其他诉讼参与人提出了建议。
[Abstract]:One of the main contents of our newly revised Civil procedure Law is to establish the principle of good faith. It is of great significance to curb dishonest litigation in civil litigation. However, it is far from enough to stipulate the principle of good faith as a basic principle in general, and its application lacks the corresponding judicial interpretation and corresponding system. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to study how to apply the principle of good faith in civil litigation, and it is divided into four parts: the first part expounds the legal basis of the application of the principle of good faith in civil proceedings. This paper begins with the meaning of the principle of good faith in civil law, and then analyzes the definition of the principle of good faith in civil litigation, and clarifies the position of the principle of good faith. After that, the article analyzes the applicability of the principle of good faith in civil litigation, and points out that the amendment of the Civil procedure Law confirms its applicability. Finally, it discusses the positive significance of establishing the principle of good faith in civil litigation. The second part discusses the legislation and application of the principle of good faith in civil litigation in China. In this part, the regulation subject is divided into three categories: parties, judges and other litigant participants. Firstly, it lists the legislation related to good faith, and points out that the current legislation has the limitation of not regulating all dishonest litigation. Secondly, through the analysis of specific cases in judicial practice to illustrate the application of the principle of good faith in civil proceedings in China. Therefore, it also highlights the urgency of the principle of good faith into law. The third part compares the application of the principle of good faith in civil litigation in the main countries of civil law system. Since China is a statutory country since ancient times, the modern legal system of our country is the type of civil law system, and the principle of good faith originates from the civil law system. All sorts of reasons urge our country to take the legislation and judicial practice of the civil law system as reference when designing the system. Germany and Japan are typical countries in the continental law system. Therefore, the author chooses Germany and Japan as the objects of comparative study, and analyzes from three aspects: the scope of application of the principle of good faith, the mode and type of application, and the legal consequences of violating the principle of good faith. Furthermore, it also provides the experience for the system design of our country. The fourth part is the system construction of the principle of good faith applied in civil litigation in our country. In the scope of application of the principle of good faith, not only the parties but also the court should be included. In the way of application, we need to consider the relationship between the principle and the specific rules of law and other basic principles in civil proceedings. In order to play its role better, the application type of the parties can be divided into: eliminating the improper form of litigation, estoppel, the prohibition of abuse of litigation rights and the prohibition of false statements, and so on. For judges, it is mainly to abuse their discretion and the prohibition of the judgment of raid. The legal consequences of the principle of good faith violated by different subjects are also different, so we cannot make rigid and unified provisions. Must combine the concrete situation to distinguish the treatment, thus achieves the substantive fairness, the justice. In addition, in order to ensure the application of the principle of good faith in civil proceedings, the parties, judges and other litigant participants are advised.


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