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发布时间:2018-10-04 20:30
【摘要】:多年来,我国相关司法部门一直持续不断地努力立法以禁止司法机关刑讯逼供行为。2012年3月14日,十一届全国人大第五次会议修正的我国刑事诉讼法,再次强调“严禁刑讯逼供”。党的十八届三中全会于2013年11月15日审议通过了《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》,其中再次提出完善人权司法保障制度、国家尊重和保障人权。健全错案防止、纠正、责任追究机制,严格实行非法证据排除规则,严禁刑讯逼供、体罚虐待。然而在我国司法实践中刑讯逼供行为仍时常发生,我国反酷刑工作仍面临巨大挑战。笔者希望通过本文,对刑讯逼供行为的发生加以分析阐述,使更多人对刑讯逼供行为形成理性认识,并寻找到其发生的一些规律,为杜绝刑讯提供有效对策,以利于将司法机关的讯问过程纳入规范化轨道。本文共分为四部分,主要内容如下: 第一部分对刑讯逼供行为进行了概述。在该部分中笔者首先对刑讯逼供的概念特征进行了表述。概括而言,实施刑讯逼供的行为人是被国家赋予侦查权的国家公职人员,刑讯逼供的对象为犯罪嫌疑人,,刑讯逼供的表现形式指采取肉刑、变相肉刑或精神痛苦以达到嫌疑人痛苦不堪的目的逼取其口供。而后笔者在本部分介绍了刑讯逼供的违法后果。 第二部分介绍了刑讯逼供产生的原因。从刑讯逼供行为产生的思想原因开始系统论述我国出现刑讯逼供深层原因,除了刑讯逼供行为存在思想、制度制度因素以外,刑讯逼供发生还源于诸如办案机关侦查技术落后、积案沉重产生压力等现实原因导致其发生。 第三部分着重阐述了刑讯逼供的危害。通过本部分的介绍笔者力图从人权、刑事诉讼效率及社会稳定等方面,阐述司法机关摒弃刑讯逼供行为的必要性。 第四部分系统论述了遏制刑讯逼供行为的措施。本部分中笔者提出了树立正确观念、完善相关法律制度和加强职权机关之间制约机制等措施,从多角度探析了遏制刑讯行为发生的对策。 本文对刑讯逼供进行了系统深入探讨,希望能为遏制刑讯逼供问题研究提供借鉴,以期对我国刑事诉讼制度的改革与完善有所裨益,为社会主义法制建设锦上添花。
[Abstract]:For many years, the relevant judicial departments of our country have been making continuous efforts to legislate to prohibit the judicial organs from extorting confessions by torture. On March 14, 2012, China's Criminal procedure Law, as amended by the Fifth session of the Eleventh National people's Congress, Once again, it is strictly prohibited to extort confessions by torture. On November 15, 2013, the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee deliberated and adopted the decision of the CPC Central Committee on several important issues of comprehensively deepening reform, in which the CPC Central Committee once again proposed to improve the judicial guarantee system for human rights and the state to respect and guarantee human rights. Improve the mechanism of prevention, correction and accountability, strictly enforce the rule of exclusion of illegal evidence, strictly prohibit extortion of confessions by torture and ill-treatment by corporal punishment. However, the practice of extorting confessions by torture still occurs frequently in our judicial practice, and the work of anti-torture in our country is still faced with great challenges. The author hopes to analyze and expound the occurrence of extorting confessions by torture through this article, so as to make more people form a rational understanding of the behavior of extorting confessions by torture, and find out some rules of its occurrence, so as to provide effective countermeasures for putting an end to torture. In order to facilitate the judicial interrogation process into the standardized track. This paper is divided into four parts, the main contents are as follows: the first part of the torture of the behavior of summary. In this part, the author first describes the concept characteristics of extorting confessions by torture. Generally speaking, the perpetrators of extorting confessions by torture are state public officials who have been given the power of investigation by the state. The object of extorting confessions by torture is the criminal suspects, and the manifestation of extorting confessions by torture refers to the use of corporal punishment. Torture or mental pain in disguise to extract a confession from a suspect for a painful purpose. Then the author introduces the illegal consequences of extorting confessions by torture in this part. The second part introduces the reasons of extorting confessions by torture. Starting from the ideological reasons of extorting confessions by torture, this paper systematically discusses the deep reasons for the emergence of extorting confessions by torture in our country. Besides the ideological and institutional factors of extorting confessions by torture, the occurrence of extorting confessions by torture also stems from the backward investigation techniques of the organs handling cases. Backlog cases heavy pressure and other practical reasons lead to its occurrence. The third part focuses on the harm of extorting confessions by torture. Through the introduction of this part, the author tries to expound the necessity for judicial organs to abandon the act of extorting confessions by torture from the aspects of human rights, efficiency of criminal proceedings and social stability. The fourth part systematically discusses the measures to curb the behavior of extorting confessions by torture. In this part, the author puts forward some measures, such as setting up the correct idea, perfecting the relevant legal system and strengthening the restriction mechanism between the competent organs, and probes into the countermeasures to curb the behavior of torture from many angles. This paper makes a deep and systematic discussion on extorting confessions by torture in the hope of providing reference for the study of curbing the problem of extorting confessions by torture in order to benefit the reform and perfection of the criminal procedure system in our country and to add flowers to the construction of socialist legal system.


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