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发布时间:2018-10-08 17:43
[Abstract]:The main background of establishing presumption of innocence principle in China is the need of our country's increasingly developing rule of law construction. From the point of view of history, we can know that the legislative significance of criminal procedure law lies in investigating the criminal responsibility of criminals. In the process of criminal liability investigation, the most prominent problem in our country's legislation is to emphasize the authenticity of criminal facts and ignore the important significance of due process. The legislative orientation of our criminal legislation system is very clear, that is, "control of crime", which makes the principle of presumption of innocence not really established in our legislative level and judicial practice. First, the right to silence as a safeguard of human rights has not been established; second, the right of defense, which embodies judicial justice, has not been fully exercised. Since then, the controversy about whether the principle of presumption of innocence should and can be applied to criminal trial in China has been a subject of great concern in the field of legal theory. At present, the principle of presumption of innocence in our country has not been clearly understood. How to apply the principle of presumption of innocence in building a socialist country ruled by law with Chinese characteristics is a problem that should be considered by legal workers. In essence, we can regard the principle of presumption of innocence as a problem of system design, but we can also regard it as a matter of consciousness. The basic legislative pursuit of "crime statutory" lies in creating a good atmosphere of rule of law for the people, and providing the national consciousness of rule of law and legal idea. In the process of criminal legislation, the procedure is very important. Only by ensuring the legitimacy of the criminal law procedure, can the aim of safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the relevant parties be realized. On the one hand, the revision of our current law, especially the revision of Criminal procedure Law, has laid a good foundation for establishing the principle of presumption of innocence in our country. On the other hand, the continuous reform of our judicial system, further improve our criminal legislation system, clear the people's court, people's procuratorate and public security organs between different duties, strengthen the judicial personnel of the principle of presumption of innocence thinking. Therefore, on the basis of studying the application of presumption of innocence in China, this paper expounds the importance and necessity of establishing the principle of presumption of innocence in China, and puts forward the construction of the principle of presumption of innocence in legislation and judicial practice.


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