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发布时间:2018-10-09 17:47
【摘要】: 在刑事侦查过程中,国家侦查机关往往需要用利用各种措施来查明案件事实,寻找事件的真相。在强大的国家权力面前,犯罪嫌疑人就显得更加弱小,加之我国对犯罪嫌疑人权利保障机制的缺失,就将其置于更为不利的境地。在司法实践中,刑讯逼供屡禁不止,冤假错案比比皆是,先有杜培武,后有佘祥林,这一次次血的教训让我们逐渐意识到犯罪嫌疑人人权保障的重要性。 本文立足于我国犯罪嫌疑人人权保障的现状,力图借鉴国内外有关犯罪嫌疑人人权保障理论的宝贵经验,在比较分析的基础上,提出了完善我国犯罪嫌疑人人权保障机制的一些建议。 本文共分为四个部分: 第一章首先介绍了人权概念的基本含义、形成和发展,揭示出人权保障具有悠久的历史。人权保障理论起源于西方资产阶级的革命胜利,并随着社会的发展,人权保障的内容不断的充实。个人权利、集体权利、民族权利成为当代人权不可分割的组成部分。接着分析了刑事侦查阶段中犯罪嫌疑人人权保障的主要特征;最后阐述了国际公约中关于犯罪嫌疑人人权保障的有关规定,主要包括享有人道待遇的权利;禁止任意和非法羁押的权利;获得律师帮助的权利;享有司法救济的权利等。 第二章介绍了英美法系、大陆法系下犯罪嫌疑人人权保障的模式。大陆法系的基本理念是发现实体真实。强调的是侦查机关单方面的权力行使,轻视犯罪嫌疑人的权利,甚至把犯罪嫌疑人完全看作是侦查的客体。英美法系出于正当程序的要求,重视犯罪嫌疑人的权利保障,把犯罪嫌疑人作为与侦查机关对等的侦查主体看待。在分析比较中,总结出两大法系关于人权保障方面的一些我们可以借鉴的经验,并且介绍了我国刑事侦查程序中人权保障制度的现状和存在的不足。旨在引起读者对我国犯罪嫌疑人人权保障制度的深刻思考。 第三章论述了侦查阶段犯罪嫌疑人人权保障的理论基础和重要性。由于刑事诉讼的本质是政府与个人之间的冲突。在侦查实践中,侦控机关经常任意剥夺犯罪嫌疑人个人的自由和财产,使得这种冲突变得更加尖锐。所以限制政府权力,保障犯罪嫌疑人的人权对我国的刑事司法改革具有重要的意义。 第四章结合我国实际情况,对健全和完善我国刑事侦查程序中犯罪嫌疑人的人权保障制度进行了探讨。主要包括赋予犯罪嫌疑人沉默权;建立强制侦查权的司法审查制度;建立保释制度;强化律师的辩护权等。 通过全文论述,文章最后指出随着我国社会结构的转型、对外开放程度的扩大以及法制改革的深入,我们必然能从单一的犯罪控制的观念中走出来,积极限制强大的司法权力,建立切实有效的监督机制。使犯罪嫌疑人的人权保障机制更加健全。
[Abstract]:In the process of criminal investigation, the national investigative organs often need to use various measures to find out the facts of the case and to find out the truth of the incident. In the face of the powerful state power, the criminal suspect appears weaker and weaker, and the lack of the guarantee mechanism of the criminal suspect's rights in our country puts it in a more disadvantageous position. In judicial practice, extorting confessions by torture does not stop despite repeated prohibitions, and there are many cases of injustice, falsehood and error, first du Peiwu, then she Xianglin. This bloody lesson has made us gradually realize the importance of protecting the human rights of criminal suspects. Based on the current situation of human rights protection of criminal suspects in China, this paper tries to draw lessons from the valuable experience of human rights protection theory of criminal suspects at home and abroad, on the basis of comparative analysis. Some suggestions are put forward to perfect the human rights guarantee mechanism of criminal suspects in China. This paper is divided into four parts: the first chapter introduces the basic meaning, formation and development of the concept of human rights, and reveals that human rights protection has a long history. The theory of human rights guarantee originates from the victory of the western bourgeoisie revolution, and with the development of society, the content of human rights protection is constantly enriched. Individual rights, collective rights and national rights have become an integral part of contemporary human rights. Then it analyzes the main characteristics of the human rights guarantee of criminal suspects in the criminal investigation stage, and finally expounds the relevant provisions of the international conventions on the human rights protection of criminal suspects, including the right to enjoy humane treatment. The right to prohibit arbitrary and illegal detention; the right to a lawyer; the right to judicial remedies, etc. The second chapter introduces the mode of human rights protection of criminal suspects in Anglo-American law system and civil law system. The basic idea of the civil law system is to discover the entity truth. It emphasizes the unilateral exercise of the power of the investigative organ, despises the rights of the criminal suspect, and even regards the suspect as the object of investigation. Due to the requirement of due process, the Anglo-American legal system attaches importance to the protection of the criminal suspect's rights and regards the suspect as the subject of investigation which is equivalent to the investigative organ. In the analysis and comparison, we summarize some experiences on human rights protection in the two legal systems, and introduce the present situation and shortcomings of human rights protection system in criminal investigation procedure in our country. The aim is to arouse readers' deep thinking on the human rights guarantee system of our country's criminal suspects. The third chapter discusses the theoretical basis and importance of human rights protection of criminal suspects. Because the essence of criminal proceedings is the conflict between government and individual. In the investigation practice, the investigation and control organ often arbitrarily deprives the suspect of his personal liberty and property, which makes the conflict more acute. Therefore, restricting the power of the government and protecting the human rights of criminal suspects is of great significance to the criminal justice reform in our country. The fourth chapter discusses how to perfect and perfect the human rights guarantee system of criminal suspects in criminal investigation procedure according to the actual situation of our country. It mainly includes giving criminal suspects the right to silence; establishing a judicial review system of compulsory investigation power; establishing bail system; strengthening lawyers' right to defense and so on. Through the full text discussion, the article finally points out that with the transformation of China's social structure, the expansion of opening up and the deepening of the legal system reform, we must be able to step out of the single concept of crime control and actively restrict the powerful judicial power. Establish an effective supervision mechanism. To make the human rights protection mechanism of criminal suspects more sound.


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