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发布时间:2018-10-09 18:25
[Abstract]:Judges and judicial auxiliary personnel are one of the important participants in judicial activities. As an important part of their job security, the compensation protection of judges and judicial auxiliary personnel is also the proper meaning of the current judicial reform in our country. Due attention should be paid to it. However, the establishment of a complete system of compensation protection for judges and judicial auxiliaries cannot simply be equated with an increase in the salaries of judges in posts. In this round of reforms, the original intention of the reform of the compensation and security system for judges and judicial auxiliaries is to strengthen the professional security of judges, to ensure that judges exercise their jurisdiction independently according to law, to comprehensively enhance the quality and effectiveness of the trial, and to enhance the sense of professional honor of judges. The basic problems of social identity and rebuilding judicial credibility. In order to find out the satisfaction and influencing factors of the judges' salary after the reform of post system, this paper investigates the judges and judicial assistant staff through the electronic questionnaire. According to the results of the investigation, after the post system reform, the "deadministrative goal" of some pilot courts has been preliminarily realized, but there are still many judges and judicial assistants who are not satisfied with the salary guarantee after the reform. The adjustment mechanism of judges' wages needs to be strengthened, the classified management of judicial auxiliary personnel and the reform of salary guarantee are insufficient, and the problems of "provincial local protectionism" may be caused by the provincial property control. Therefore, this paper puts forward that we can establish the regular increase mechanism of the judges' wages, the individual salary security sequence of the judicial auxiliary personnel, the performance evaluation mechanism of the judges, the full pension system. The senior judge system and so on further strengthens the judge's salary safeguard dynamics, thus causes "the high salary raises the clean government" the idea more deeply popular. By strengthening the provincial people's Congress and its standing Committee in charge of the property of the courts below the provincial level, in order to better safeguard the independence of the source of the judges' remuneration, In order to promote the smooth progress of other supporting systems of judicial reform and lay a solid foundation for our country to build a socialist country ruled by law as soon as possible, the compensation security system of judges and judicial auxiliaries is really established in favor of judicial practice in our country.


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