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发布时间:2018-10-13 07:25
【摘要】:近些年,“公共利益”、“公益诉讼”等字眼频繁出现在公众的视野内,不仅反映出社会中公益意识的提高,更多是因为经济的快速发展,社会节奏的加快,出现环境的破坏、消费者权益的漠视、公共资源的流失、浪费等大量破坏公共利益的事件。为减少、遏制此类事件的发生,弥补、挽回公共利益的损失,建立完善的公益诉讼制度成为当务之急。 我国在2012年通过修订《民事诉讼法》将民事公益诉讼制度正式纳入到我国司法程序中,为我国解决民事公益纠纷提供了成文法律渊源。但是修改后的《民事诉讼法》对民事公益诉讼制度的规定过于原则化,没有明确起诉主体、模式、诉讼费用、举证规则,实践中无法得到有效运用。本文将借鉴各国对民事公益诉讼制度的先进经验,通过类型化的分析方法,对民事公益诉讼进行分类研究,然后对我国民事公益诉讼制度提出完善建议。 本文第一部分对民事公益诉讼制度做出概述,介绍其发展沿革、国外发展成熟的民事公益诉讼制度,分析我国发展现状、面临的问题。第二部分介绍类型化分析的方法,通过对公共利益的分类,将民事公益诉讼制度分为:(1)纯粹民事公益诉讼;(2)复合民事公益诉讼;(3)私化民事公益诉讼。第三部分对我国民事公益诉讼制度提出完善建议,明确起诉主体、诉讼请求、诉讼费用及程序保障制度。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the words "public interest" and "public interest litigation" have frequently appeared in the public eye, which not only reflects the improvement of public interest consciousness in society, but also because of the rapid development of economy, the acceleration of social rhythm, and the destruction of the environment. The disregard of consumer rights and interests, the loss of public resources, waste and a large number of damage to the public interest events. In order to reduce, contain the occurrence of such events, make up for the loss of public interests, establish a sound public interest litigation system has become a top priority. In 2012, our country formally brought the civil public interest litigation system into our judicial procedure by amending the Civil procedure Law, which provided a written legal source for solving civil public welfare disputes in our country. However, the revised Civil procedure Law is too principled for the civil public interest litigation system, without clear prosecution subject, mode, litigation costs, rules of proof, can not be effectively used in practice. This article will draw lessons from the advanced experience of various countries to the civil public interest litigation system, through the type analysis method, carries on the classification research to the civil public interest litigation, then puts forward the consummation suggestion to our country civil public interest litigation system. The first part of this paper gives an overview of the system of civil public interest litigation, introduces its development history, foreign development of mature civil public interest litigation system, analysis of the current situation of development in China, facing the problems. The second part introduces the classification analysis method, through the classification of public interest, the civil public interest litigation system is divided into: (1) pure civil public interest litigation; (2) compound civil public interest litigation; (3) private civil public interest litigation. In the third part, the author puts forward some suggestions on the system of civil public interest litigation in China, and clarifies the system of suing subject, litigation request, litigation cost and procedural guarantee.


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