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发布时间:2018-10-23 20:20
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economic globalization, civil communication between countries has become more frequent, and a large number of civil disputes involving foreign countries have also emerged. The determination of civil jurisdiction concerning foreign affairs is the premise of dealing with civil disputes involving foreign affairs. However, due to the different provisions on civil jurisdiction concerning foreign affairs in various countries, it is easy to cause conflicts of civil jurisdiction concerning foreign affairs. As the embodiment of party autonomy in the field of foreign civil action, the jurisdiction of civil action agreement concerning foreign affairs is of great significance to avoid or eliminate the positive conflict of civil jurisdiction concerning foreign affairs, and has been accepted and adopted by most countries. Nowadays, the jurisdiction system of civil agreement concerning foreign affairs has been developed in the laws and international treaties of different countries. The jurisdiction of civil agreement concerning foreign affairs has shown many new development trends in the aspects of formal elements, choice of court scope, protection of weak parties, etc. Among them, there are some reasonable and advanced legislative provisions on the jurisdiction system of foreign-related agreements which are worthy of our country's reference. This article mainly through the historical analysis method and the comparative analysis method carries on the elaboration to the foreign civil lawsuit agreement jurisdiction system, and tries to put forward the innovative thought and the suggestion, In order to improve the Civil procedure Law of China foreign civil agreement jurisdiction related provisions. There are three chapters in this paper. The first chapter is a summary of the jurisdiction of foreign civil litigation agreement. Based on the definition of foreign civil agreement jurisdiction, this paper analyzes the types, nature and effectiveness of foreign civil agreement jurisdiction, and introduces the emergence and current development trend of foreign civil agreement jurisdiction. Finally, the function and value of the system are discussed. The second chapter summarizes the characteristics, experiences and trends of the foreign civil agreement jurisdiction system of various countries and international organizations by introducing the relevant legislative provisions of the foreign civil agreement jurisdiction of the representative countries and international organizations at present. The third chapter analyzes the current legislative situation and shortcomings of foreign civil agreement jurisdiction in our country, and puts forward some suggestions on how to perfect the jurisdiction system of foreign civil agreement by referring to the experience of foreign countries.


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