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发布时间:2018-10-29 09:29
【摘要】:近年来,随着社会经济的迅猛发展,公民的法治意识不断提高,大量的民事案件进入法院。在此背景下,人民法院必须处理好不断增长的矛盾纠纷与有限的审判资源之间的矛盾。而不断增长和累积的标的额较小的简单民事案件,加剧了基层法院案多人少的矛盾,也增加了司法成本。为了缓解人民法院案多人少的矛盾,提高诉讼效率,降低诉讼成本,促进司法大众化。新修订的《民事诉讼法》顺应世界民事诉讼法司法改革的潮流,确立了小额诉讼制度。由此引发了对小额诉讼的热议。 小额诉讼一审终审制度的确立,对现在乃至将来都有着举足轻重的意义。它有利于国家法律的适用、司法权威的维护、司法效能的充分发挥以及有效地合理配置有限的司法资源,同时加快了司法效率与司法公正的同步实现的脚步。也有利于基层人民法院依法快速解决大量纠纷、便于当事人积极参加诉讼、在短时间内使其诉讼权利得以实现,减少诉讼耗费。但是,小额诉讼一审终审制在我国立法上相对不完善,具体规定过于简单,存在很多问题。比如,对适用范围的界定模糊,对具体程序的规定不成熟。因此,对小额诉讼一审终审制的构建势在必行。本文首先肯定小额诉讼一审终审制度的具有其正当性,后结合域外国家和地区的成熟立法经验,对构建我国小额诉讼一审终审制进行研究。本文共分三个部分: 第一部分,阐述了小额诉讼一审终审制度的的程序正当性。具体而言,从程序价值、程序原理以及程序配置对小额诉讼一审终审制的正当性进行诠释。 第二部分,,从小额诉讼一审终审制度的立法体例选择展开。首先,对域外相关国家和地区的小额诉讼一审终审制进行概况总结。其次,对两大法系小额诉讼一审终审制的具体程序规则进行阐释。再次,对我国小额诉讼一审终审制度的立法和司法发展现况进行论述,在此基础上,分析了我国在适用范围、审理程序以及救济方面存在的问题。 第三部分,详细阐述我国小额诉讼一审终审制度构建。在借鉴域外相关国家和地区成熟司法经验的基础上,结合我国国情,对小额诉讼一审终审制的适用范围、审理程序以及救济机制提出了具体的建议。如,审前的特殊告知义务、“圆桌式”审判方式等。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of social economy, citizens' awareness of the rule of law continues to improve, a large number of civil cases into the court. In this context, the people's court must handle the contradiction between the growing contradictions and disputes and limited judicial resources. And the simple civil cases, which are increasing and accumulating small amount, aggravate the contradiction between more and less people in the basic court cases, and also increase the judicial costs. In order to alleviate the contradiction of people's court, improve the efficiency of litigation, reduce the cost of litigation, and promote the popularization of justice. The newly revised Code of Civil procedure conforms to the trend of judicial reform of the world's civil procedure law and establishes the system of minor action. This led to a heated debate on small claims. The establishment of the first instance system of small actions is of great significance to the present and the future. It is conducive to the application of national laws, the maintenance of judicial authority, the full play of judicial effectiveness and the effective and reasonable allocation of limited judicial resources, while speeding up the pace of the simultaneous realization of judicial efficiency and judicial justice. It is also beneficial to the grass-roots people's courts to resolve a large number of disputes according to law, facilitate the parties to actively participate in the litigation, make their litigation rights come true in a short time, and reduce the costs of litigation. However, the system of first instance final instance of small actions in our country is relatively imperfect, the specific provisions are too simple, there are a lot of problems. For example, the definition of the scope of application is vague, and the provisions of specific procedures are immature. Therefore, it is imperative to construct the system of first instance final appeal of small action. This paper first affirms the legitimacy of the first instance system of small claims litigation, and then studies the construction of the system of first instance final instance of small claims litigation in our country combined with the mature legislative experience of foreign countries and regions. This paper is divided into three parts: the first part expounds the procedural legitimacy of the first instance system of small claims. Concretely speaking, from the procedure value, the procedure principle and the procedure disposition, carries on the explanation to the small lawsuit first instance final instance justice. The second part, from the small-trial first-instance final appeal system of the legislative style selection. First of all, a summary of the first instance system of small-trial litigation in foreign countries and regions. Secondly, it explains the procedure rules of the first instance system of minor action in two legal systems. Thirdly, this paper discusses the current situation of legislation and judicial development of the system of first instance final appeal of small claims in our country. On this basis, it analyzes the problems existing in the application scope, trial procedure and relief in our country. The third part, elaborated our country small-trial lawsuit first instance final appeal system construction in detail. On the basis of the mature judicial experience of foreign countries and regions, combined with the situation of our country, this paper puts forward some concrete suggestions on the scope of application, trial procedure and relief mechanism of the system of first instance final instance of small claims litigation. For example, the special pre-trial notification obligation, the "round table" trial method and so on.


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