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发布时间:2018-10-29 10:41
[Abstract]:After the disintegration of the people's commune, our country put forward the strategy of governing the country according to law. In order to integrate rural development, the state vigorously promotes the "law going to the countryside" by means of legislation, law enforcement, judicature, popularization of law and the establishment of the system of villager autonomy, thus forming the state leading mode of "law going to the countryside". From the end of the last century to the present century, due to the growing awareness of rights and laws, the situation of peasants who have consciously studied the law and used it to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests has risen in various places. This process makes the national legislation through the needs of farmers to accelerate the embedding of rural areas, adjust rural social relations, and then constitute the grassroots demand of the "law to the countryside" model. The dualism of the current mode of "law going to the countryside" is of great significance. There are differences between the two models in terms of their causes, ways of realization, specific goals, and the degree of development, but they promote each other and link up with each other in practice. At the same time, the two models need to be further improved.
【作者单位】: 武汉理工大学文法学院;


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