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发布时间:2018-10-30 20:03
[Abstract]:The compulsory medical procedure of mental illness, which is not criminally responsible according to law, is added to the Criminal procedure Law, and the compulsory medical treatment is brought into the track of judicial operation, which is of milestone significance. However, without relief, there is no right. The imperfection of relief mechanism makes the protection function of compulsory medical procedure greatly reduced, and the rights and interests of mental patients are still exposed under the public power. This article focuses on the establishment and perfection of compulsory medical relief mechanism for mental patients, starting with the concept, characteristics and nature of compulsory medical treatment, and after having a deep understanding of compulsory medical treatment, The present situation and existing problems of compulsory medical relief mechanism in China are investigated. It is not difficult to find out that there is a lack of remedy way in the mechanism of compulsory medical relief in our country, the review regulation of compulsory medical decision is not perfect, the standard of medical identification is aerial, and the judicial relief is not perfect. The lack of judicial remedy in the execution stage. On the basis of the legal analysis, the causes of the above problems are summarized, and the conclusion is drawn that the social defense consciousness deviates, the humanism thought is weak and the procedural justice idea is weakened. Combining with the legal provisions and judicial experience of compulsory medical relief mechanism in the countries of civil law system and common law system, the author puts forward some improvement measures from three angles of pre-prevention, intervention in the incident and supervision after the event. In order to promote the further improvement and development of compulsory medical relief mechanism of mental illness in China.


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