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发布时间:2018-11-01 20:57
[Abstract]:As the concept of due process has been accepted by the legal circles and the public in recent years, the legal liability of civil procedure, as the basic problem of the civil procedure law, has gradually become the focus, hotspot and difficulty of the study of civil procedural law. From the current situation of judicial practice, due to the imperfect legislative system of civil litigation legal liability and the weakness of imputation mechanism, it is difficult to effectively contain the phenomenon that various kinds of civil litigation subjects violate the laws and regulations of civil procedure. Has seriously endangered the benign operation of civil proceedings. Moreover, from the current situation of theoretical research, the definition of the connotation of legal liability of civil action has not yet formed a more unified understanding in academic circles, and the related research results are very few, which can not provide strong guidance for the judicial practice of civil litigation. Therefore, the systematic and comprehensive study of the legal liability mechanism of civil procedure is not only the urgent practical need of judicial practice, but also the internal requirement of filling the low ground of the theory of civil procedural law. Under this background, the author takes "the legal liability of civil action" as the title, carries on the systematic research in the form of the doctoral thesis, on the basis of summarizing the basic content of the concept, type, value of the legal liability of the civil action, etc. This paper expounds the relevant legal provisions of our country's civil litigation legal liability and the present situation of the extraterritorial legal liability system of civil litigation, and further analyzes the problems existing in our country's civil litigation legal liability, and puts forward the corresponding ways to improve the legal liability. This article is composed of four chapters, as follows: the first chapter is the introduction of legal liability of civil action. This chapter briefly interprets the related concepts of civil procedure law, and introduces the legal liability of civil procedure from four aspects: civil procedural liability, civil entity liability, judicial administrative liability and criminal liability. Then it comprehensively explains the various values of the legal liability in civil litigation, in order to realize the general cognition of the basic contents of the legal liability in civil litigation. The second chapter is the legislative interpretation of civil liability. This part according to the civil procedure law and its judicial interpretation, the criminal law norm, the state compensation law and its judicial interpretation, the official law and the related discipline norm four kinds of normative basis, The related provisions of civil litigation liability are systematically and comprehensively combed, and the relevant content is interpreted in a general way. The third chapter is the analysis of the legal liability of civil procedure. This part mainly from the civil procedure legal liability legislation compilation unscientific, imputation mechanism is not perfect, This paper analyzes deeply the problems existing in the legislative and judicial process of civil litigation legal liability from the four aspects of inadequate function and imperfect key procedural mechanism. The fourth chapter is the way to perfect the legal liability of civil action. This part mainly aims at many problems existing in the legal liability mechanism of civil action, and puts forward the following points: perfecting the legislative system of legal liability in civil litigation, perfecting the imputation mechanism of legal liability in civil litigation, and strengthening the functions of legal liability in civil litigation. And the reconstruction of the key procedural mechanism of civil litigation legal liability is improved in four aspects.


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