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发布时间:2018-11-02 20:33
[Abstract]:The litigation contract is one of the system which can embody the subjectivity of the parties as a lawsuit act which results in the procedural law through the parties' agreement. On the premise of general recognition of the legality of litigation contract, it is necessary to establish perfect technical rules to properly arrange the relationship between party autonomy and procedural stability, with emphasis on the scope of application and effectiveness of the litigation contract. As far as the application of the litigation contract is concerned, the parties may conclude the litigation contract on the matter of free disposition, and follow the deterministic rule and the special regulation of the form clause in order to satisfy the fairness requirement of the litigation contract. As far as the effectiveness of the litigation contract is concerned, it is not beneficial to discuss the disposition effect of the litigation contract only by recognizing the burden effect of the litigation contract. The litigant contract can only be considered by the court when the litigant puts forward, and the court does not need to investigate ex officio, and if necessary, it can arrange the free disposition and substantive equality of the party by explaining the act properly.
【作者单位】: 国家检察官学院;
【基金】:国家法治与法学理论研究项目(16SFB3023) 中国法学会2016年度部级法学研究一般课题[CLS(2016)C59]


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