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发布时间:2018-11-10 14:05
[Abstract]:The system of civil service is a means of communicating actions and information between the court, the parties and other litigants in civil litigation, and its important significance is obvious. However, due to the lack of specific provisions on the civil service procedure in our country's legislation, there are many provisions which are difficult to be effectively applied in practical operation, which restrict the work of service. In practice, the phenomenon of rough service exists in courts and postal institutions, which easily causes the parties to question the validity of service and restricts the realization of the effectiveness of service. However, under the background of lack of honesty consciousness, dishonest behaviors such as concealment, false report and avoidance of complaint have become a major inducement of "difficult to serve". In practice, the phenomenon of "difficult to serve" becomes more and more prominent, constantly constraining the process of the case, and the problem of "difficult to serve" needs to be alleviated and solved. For this reason, the civil service of our country can be perfected as follows: first, through legislation to refine some of the more chaotic service methods applied in practice, to cancel the provisions of service procedures that do not meet the needs of practice. Selective legal recognition of some of the flexibilities in practice; The second is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of service by standardizing, disciplining the court, the person served and the postal personnel. Third, by perfecting the system of the place of service, seeking the address of the party as far as possible, and ensuring the actual service to the person served as far as possible. At the same time, the parties cannot be held responsible for the service caused by their own problems, so as to lighten the responsibility of the court. This paper improves the efficiency and success rate of service by perfecting the legislation of civil service and standardizing the behavior of the parties in practice.


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