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发布时间:2018-11-11 16:28
【摘要】:作为“经济法核心”的反垄断法,在德国被称为“经济宪法”,在美国被称为“自由企业的大宪章”,由此可见,,它在调整竞争关系中的作用是不言而喻的。而对于反垄断法的实施来说,私人提起反垄断民事诉讼则是不可或缺的救济渠道之一。因为它既可以弥补公权力机构实施的不足,又可以保障被侵权人权利的实现。在滥用市场支配地位民事诉讼中,原告资格是作为这一反垄断民事诉讼程序中最为关键的环节,关系到诉讼能否顺利启动的问题。否则,此后的管辖、证明到裁判的作出等一系列程序都将无从谈起。 因此,本文以滥用市场支配地位民事诉讼原告资格这一程序保障的启动环节作为分析框架的逻辑起点,进而通过分析目前这类诉讼在我国运行的状况和所遇到的问题,结合欧美相关国家的制度以及民事诉权理论,得出我国滥用市场支配地位民事诉讼的原告资格应有别于一般的民事诉讼而具有独特的判断标准。就其实质而言,根据反垄断法的规定和立法精神以及民事诉讼法对起诉主体条件的规定,对于因滥用市场支配地位行为而遭受利益损害的实体消费者,应当肯定其原告资格,从而调动其参与反垄断司法的积极性;而竞争者为了给自己争取更好的竞争环境,往往更有动力参与诉讼,也应赋予竞争者原告资格。此外,可以有限度地赋予部分社会团体以原告资格,以弥补个体消费者、小型竞争者因力量薄弱而在诉讼中所显现的种种不足。同时,我们还需要辩证地对待原告资格的扩张,必须认识到由此引发的策略性诉讼等负面因素,因此应通过原告资格确定的标准以及具体类型适当限制原告资格。
[Abstract]:As the core of economic law, anti-monopoly law is called "economic constitution" in Germany and "Magna Carta of free enterprise" in America. For the implementation of anti-monopoly law, private-initiated anti-monopoly civil action is one of the indispensable relief channels. Because it can not only make up for the deficiency of the public authority, but also guarantee the realization of the infringed rights. In the civil action of abusing the dominant position of the market, the plaintiff's qualification is the most important link in the procedure of antitrust civil action, which is related to whether the lawsuit can be initiated smoothly. Otherwise, the subsequent jurisdiction, proof of the referee to make a series of procedures will not be possible. Therefore, this paper takes the qualification of plaintiff in civil litigation as the logical starting point of the analysis framework, and then through the analysis of the current situation of this kind of litigation in China and the problems encountered. Combined with the system of European and American countries and the theory of civil right of action, it is concluded that the plaintiff's qualification of abusing market dominant position in civil litigation should be different from that of general civil action and have a unique judgment standard. In essence, according to the provisions of anti-monopoly law and the spirit of legislation and the provisions of the civil procedure law on the conditions of the subject of prosecution, the plaintiff's qualification should be confirmed for the entity consumers who have suffered damage to their interests as a result of the abuse of their dominant position in the market. In order to mobilize their enthusiasm to participate in antitrust justice; In order to strive for a better competitive environment, competitors are often more motivated to participate in litigation, should also give the plaintiff qualification. In addition, some social groups can be granted plaintiff qualification to make up for the shortcomings of individual consumers and small competitors in litigation because of their weak power. At the same time, we also need to treat the expansion of plaintiff qualification dialectically, we must recognize the negative factors such as strategic litigation and so on, so we should restrict the plaintiff qualification by the criteria and specific types of plaintiff qualification.


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