[Abstract]:The lawsuit of pretrial procedure is the requirement of protecting human rights and balance of prosecution and defense. Based on different litigation values and litigation structure models, we can theoretically turn criminal pretrial procedure into litigation mode and quasi-litigation mode. The quasi-litigation mode can be divided into two forms: the quasi-litigation in the system of investigation and control organs and the quasi-litigation in the system of the organs of investigation and control. To investigate the structure of pretrial procedure in foreign criminal proceedings, its litigation mode is obvious. In our country, with the evolution of criminal procedure law, the quasi-litigation structure of pretrial procedure is obvious, but the structure of litigation mode has not entered the legislation. Based on the limitation of macro political judicial changes in China in the short and medium term, the reform of litigation of pretrial procedure can only follow the direction of quasi-litigation, and the mode of litigation should not be the choice of litigation mode of pretrial procedure in China for the time being.
【作者单位】: 安徽农业大学法学系;
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