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发布时间:2018-11-11 18:37
【摘要】:2012年修改的民事诉讼法响应了众多专家学者的呼吁,将公益诉讼作为一项新的制度予以确立。然而在现实情况中,大量的公益诉讼案件被阻挡在法院审判程序之外。而研究并解决公益诉讼起诉难问题对我国公益诉讼制度的发展有着重要意义,故本文从四个部分对公益诉讼起诉难问题进行了研究分析。 第一章公益诉讼的概述。首先分析了公益诉讼的基本内涵,明确了本文的研究对象是公民、团体提起的民事公益诉讼,使得论述更具有针对性。其次分析了公益诉讼起诉现状,法院审理公益诉讼案件极少,是因为公益诉讼案件难进法院大门,呈现出起诉难的特点。 第二章先是分析了公益诉讼案件之所以面临起诉难的尴尬,主要是因为此类案件本身具有新类型、群体性、敏感性的特征。从当前的司法环境来看,公益诉讼难以为法院受理,还存在着如下原因:案件范围和起诉主体等法律规定模糊;我国公益诉讼模式较为保守;法院或因司法能力有限或为规避风险而采取审慎的司法政策;司法最终解决理念仍未确立。 第三章是公益诉讼起诉的比较法研究,为下文提出公益诉讼起诉难对策提供借鉴。作者分别对美国、德国、日本、英国、印度等国家公益诉讼立法和司法实践进行了考察,,最后对国外在公益诉讼起诉方面存在特点作出评价:具有开明的理念;宽松的起诉资格;丰富的单行法规;发达的保障机制。 第四章是作者针对公益诉讼起诉难问题的解决所提出的对策。一是要从理念上树立司法最终解决原则;二是在具体措施上要加快相关司法解释及单行法的出台;逐步放开公益诉讼中公民的起诉资格;给予公益诉讼起诉的救济保障途径;加强对立案法官的业务培训,充分发挥司法能动性。
[Abstract]:The revised civil procedure law in 2012 responds to the appeal of many experts and scholars and establishes public interest litigation as a new system. However, in reality, a large number of public interest litigation cases are blocked out of court proceedings. It is of great significance for the development of public interest litigation system to study and solve the problem of litigation difficulty in public interest litigation, so this paper makes a research and analysis on the problem of prosecution difficulty in public interest litigation from four parts. The first chapter is an overview of public interest litigation. Firstly, this paper analyzes the basic connotation of public interest litigation, and clarifies that the research object of this paper is civil public interest litigation initiated by citizens and groups, which makes the discussion more targeted. Secondly, the author analyzes the current situation of public interest litigation, the court hearing public interest litigation cases are very few, because public interest litigation cases are difficult to enter the court door, showing the characteristics of difficult prosecution. The second chapter first analyzes the embarrassment of public interest litigation cases facing prosecution, mainly because such cases have new types, group, sensitivity characteristics. From the current judicial environment, public interest litigation is difficult to be accepted by the court, there are also the following reasons: the scope of cases and the main body of prosecution are vague, the mode of public interest litigation in China is more conservative; Due to limited judicial capacity or prudent judicial policy in order to avoid risks, the concept of judicial final solution has not been established. The third chapter is a comparative study of public interest litigation. The author investigates the legislation and judicial practice of public interest litigation in America, Germany, Japan, Britain, India and so on. Finally, the author evaluates the characteristics of public interest litigation in foreign countries. Lenient qualifications for prosecution; a wealth of separate rules; developed safeguards. The fourth chapter is the author's solution to the difficult problem of public interest litigation. First, it is necessary to establish the principle of final judicial solution from the concept; second, to speed up the introduction of relevant judicial interpretation and special law in specific measures; to gradually liberalize citizens' qualification for prosecution in public interest litigation; to provide relief and protection channels for litigation in public interest litigation; Strengthen the professional training of the judges on file and give full play to the judicial initiative.


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