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发布时间:2018-11-15 16:31
[Abstract]:This paper is divided into four parts, among which the key content is in the third and fourth parts. By analyzing and studying the expert witness system in common law system and the expert witness system in civil law system, we have obtained some enlightenment mainly in the following aspects: first, expert qualification examination. The appraisal qualification examination of our country's judicial expertise system pays too much attention to the formal requirements of experts and neglects the essential elements. The expert opinion system of our country's criminal procedure should be taken as a warning in this respect. The emphasis of the expert qualification examination is on the substantive elements; Second, the mechanism of expert selection should adhere to the principle of party selection and court selection, and the right to select experts should be exercised by the parties. Third, in terms of experts' rights and obligations, experts, unlike ordinary witnesses, should enjoy the freedom to appear in court. They should not compel experts to appear in court. Experts should also enjoy the right to know, including access to and questioning of case materials and identification materials. In order to be able to make more accurate expert opinion, experts have the duty of confidentiality of the case, bear legal responsibility for illegal testimony; Fourth, the principle of expert appearance in court, the appraisal system is based on the conclusion of written appraisal, but the expert opinion system must adhere to the principle of oral testimony; Fifth, the scope of application of the expert opinion system. The scope of application of the expert opinion system stipulated in our criminal procedure law is obviously too small, which greatly reduces the due role of the expert opinion system. This paper holds that the scope of application of the expert opinion system should be expanded and the positive role of the expert opinion system should be maximized. Sixth, the relationship between the expert opinion system and the judicial expertise system, this article holds that we should establish the equal relationship between the two, give play to their respective advantages, make up for their respective limitations, and make the two establish a complementary and complementary equal relationship. As the new Criminal procedure Law of our country has just been promulgated, there are not many judicial cases that apply this system in practice, and the operational problems in practice still need to be observed. Legislation to establish the expert opinion system of criminal procedure reflects the needs of the society, and there will inevitably be more problems and disputes about the expert opinion system of criminal procedure in our country. It has certain theoretical significance and practical value to study the expert opinion system of criminal procedure in our country.


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