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发布时间:2018-11-22 14:52
[Abstract]:In modern civil judicial practice, Germany, Japan and other countries have developed the "lightening of burden of proof" theory in order to solve the defect that the traditional theory of distribution of burden of proof adjusts the deficiency of practical means of proof. " The essence of lightening the burden of proof is to reduce the space of authenticity and falsity by the functions of the rules of proof behavior and the rules of fact determination, thus reducing the application of the judgment of burden of proof. The methods of lightening the burden of proof include many institutional techniques which do not use the method of burden of proof to determine the facts of a case in the practice of litigation proof. The combination of the procedural internality of the burden of proof mitigation system and the procedural externality of the distribution of the burden of proof can make the judicial decision better realize substantive justice and procedural justice.
【作者单位】: 南昌大学立法研究中心;南昌大学法学院;


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