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发布时间:2018-12-11 05:46
[Abstract]:Although the exception to hearsay law in Taiwan ignores the protection of the right of cross-examination of criminal defendants, the practice is based on the interpretation of the right of cross-examination by the Judicial Yuan as "the fundamental right of the Constitution". It has developed three kinds of interpretation paths which reflect the superiority of cross-examination power in hearsay exception. In the subsequent development, the Taiwan District Court and Criminal Court will regard the credibility guarantee as the key factor for the establishment of the hearsay exception, which makes the relationship between the right of cross-examination and the exception of hearsay to fall into confusion again. In the long run, the right of cross-examination can still be established as priority over hearsay exception by relying on the allowed exceptions developed independently in practice and the guarantee of strict proof procedures. The development of the relationship between cross-examination right and hearsay exception in Taiwan region reflects the value choice between the protection of rights and the real discovery, which is instructive to the establishment and protection of the right of cross-examination of criminal defendants in mainland China.
【作者单位】: 西南政法大学法学院;
【基金】:教育部人文社会科学规划基金项目“刑事庭审质证规则研究”(16XJA820001) 重庆市法学会研究课题“刑事庭审实质化问题研究”(CFH2016B02)


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