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发布时间:2018-12-11 21:09
[Abstract]:The theory of the right of administrative first judgment means that the court should respect the power of the administrative organ to make the first judgment and deal with the administrative affairs in the process of judicial review. For matters within the jurisdiction of the administrative organ, the court can only try the matter after the first judgment of the administrative organ. The theory originated in Japan and was originally founded to negate compulsory litigation and preventive omission litigation. Later, the theory tended to be "relaxed" and its main role became to restrict the two types of litigation. The legitimacy of the theory is based on the principle of separation of powers, the characteristics of judicial power under the judicial system and the advantages of administrative power. The administrative judges of our country have begun to use this theory to judge cases, but there are some cases where the theory is not properly or even wrongly applied. In the future, our country should draw lessons from the theory of extra-territorial, make clear in legislation the situation of respecting the first judgment right of the administrative organ in the compulsory judgment, and amend the way of denying the first judgment right of the administrative organ in this kind of judgment. And establish preventive omission litigation.
【作者单位】: 中南大学法学院;
【基金】:国家社科基金一般项目“司法与行政互动的法律规制研究”(15BFX013)的阶段性成果 法治湖南建设与区域社会治理协同创新中心平台建设的成果


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