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发布时间:2018-12-14 16:59
[Abstract]:The judicial explanation of our country attempts to realize the priority compensation of civil creditor's rights in the case of property penalty through the system of criminal execution and participation distribution, but this system arrangement has congenital defects. It can not protect the civil creditor's rights comprehensively and equitably, which can easily bring about the problems of proof, investigation and preservation, and it can not solve the priority problem of civil claims in the conflict of public and private creditor's rights. In order to truly implement the principle of priority of civil creditor's rights in property penalty cases, we must break down the barrier of limiting the principle of civil creditor's rights to compensation in the execution stage of property punishment, and overcome these defects by perfecting the bankruptcy system. To this end, natural persons, legacies and unincorporated organizations should be endowed with bankruptcy capacity, property public law liability shall be defined as inferior creditor's rights, and the debtor's active or passive undertaking of property public law liability during the critical period of bankruptcy shall be allowed to be revoked. Establish the system of property penalty execution announcement. But the criminal execution procedure can only realize the priority of civil liability in the same case in proper way, and is restricted by the bankruptcy system.
【作者单位】: 安徽大学法学院;安徽财经大学法学院;
【基金】:国家社会科学基金项目“民事赔偿责任优先原则的实现机制研究”(11BFX029) 安徽大学研究生学术创新研究扶持与强化项目“民事债权优先受偿制度研究”(yfc100190)


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