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发布时间:2018-12-14 18:36
[Abstract]:In recent years, the administrative agreement has been widely used in the field of public administration in our country. It not only enriches the means of public administration, but also improves the administrative efficiency and reduces the administrative cost. Improved consultation and cooperation between the government and the people. With the newly amended Administrative Litigation Law in 2015, administrative agreement disputes are brought into the scope of administrative litigation cases, and more administrative agreement disputes enter the court. At present, the court is faced with the problem of lack of concrete theory and legal rules in hearing administrative agreement cases. The validity judgment of administrative agreement dispute is the premise and foundation of solving administrative agreement litigation cases. In judicial practice, there are more and more cases that confirm the invalidity of administrative agreement. Under this realistic background, this paper probes into the validity examination system in administrative agreement litigation. Because administrative agreement has the characteristics of public law and private law, the validity judgment of administrative agreement can neither copy the validity theory of administrative act. Nor can the validity theory of contract be copied, and the research on it by academic circles and affairs circles is not detailed and comprehensive enough. This paper is divided into four chapters to explore the validity review system in administrative agreement litigation. The first chapter briefly explains the purpose and significance of this paper, introduces the concept and characteristics of administrative agreement, and explains the main research methods and contents of this paper. The second chapter introduces the main facts of the case and the result of the court judgment. The third chapter, by analyzing the dispute focus of the case, analyzes whether the party who is not an administrative agreement is a suitable plaintiff and whether he can initiate the action of confirming the invalidity of the administrative agreement separately. This paper probes into the applicable law and the basis of the case determination in the judicial practice of our country at present. The fourth chapter analyzes the perfect mode of legal provisions of administrative agreement litigation in China and enriches the specific criteria for judging the invalidity of administrative agreement.


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