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发布时间:2018-12-14 20:41
[Abstract]:The auxiliary working organization of judicial auction is the product of socialized operation of executive power, which bears part of the judicial auction right which should be exercised directly by the court. There is a public power entrustment relationship between the court and the auction auxiliary working organization, and the agreement that the court entrusts the auction auxiliary working organization to engage in the auction auxiliary work is a public law contract. The auxiliary auction agency shall exercise the executive power according to the commission of the court, and the consequences of the act shall be borne by the court. Based on the realistic consideration of sharing the execution workload and preventing judicial corruption, the court entrusts the auxiliary work of auction to the social organization to complete, and the legal basis behind it is the principle of social participation and execution benefit of civil execution. It is necessary to distinguish the court entrusting social institutions with the ancillary work of auction and entrusting auction to clarify the responsibility of each participating subject. At the same time, we should adhere to the principles of "strict access conditions", "normalize the selection procedure", "attach importance to process supervision" and "strengthen punishment after the event", and constantly improve and perfect the selection and supervision system of the auxiliary working institutions of auction.
【作者单位】: 西南政法大学;重庆市高级人民法院执行局;重庆市第二中级人民法院执行局;


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